Vocations for Men

Apostles of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim
The Apostles of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim, is a new society of diocesan priests, founded in the Archdiocese of Chicago with the permission of Francis Cardinal George, whose charism is to sanctify its members through conformity to Christ crucified in a mission of shared charity.
An international congregation with US HQs in Boston.
Capuchin Franciscan Friars
The Capuchin Franciscans are a Catholic order of brothers, both priest and lay, consecrated by religious vows to living fully the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Rule of St. Francis and the sound traditions of the Capuchin Reform.
Carmelite Order
The Carmelite Order homepage includes vocation information, a free scapular offer, Carmelite spirituality and history.
CatholicJobs.com - Catholic Jobs Online
Catholic Jobs Online provides job listings for Catholic churches, schools, ministries, and other organizations, as well as free job search and career tools for anyone seeking employment.
Community of Saint John
An contemplative and apostolic order with convents of brothers, contemplative sisters, apostolic sisters, and lay associations throughout the world. The members of the Community of Saint John want to live the evangelical counsels rooted in the three covenants revealed in the Gospel of Saint John: the Covenant with Jesus in the Eucharist, the Covenant with Mary, and the Convenant with Peter. The community began under the spiritual direction of Dominican Father, Father Marie-Dominique Philippe, a professor of philosophy.
Companions of the Cross
A newly established community of priests and seminarians with headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We became an official Society of Apostolic Life in the Church on May 2, 2003. We minister in parishes in Ottawa, Toronto, Halifax (Nova Scotia), and Houston, Texas. We live a community style of life, but our vocation is active. Our charism is evangelization. The main features of our spirituality are: eucharistic, marian, charismatic, and magisterial. God Bless - Fr. John V.
Crosier Fathers and Brothers
The Crosiers are an Order of Roman Catholic Priests and Brothers. Our official name is Cannons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross. The word, crosier means "cross-bearer." Our website will help you learn more about the Crosiers and how we live religious life. We also offer a prayer greeting service and a Vocation Chat Room. The Chat Room is a wonderful place to connect with others who are considering a religious vocation. All are welcome to take part in online discussion about priesthood and religious life with others who are considering God's call in their life.
Diocese of Albany Vocation Office
We provide assistance with vocation discernment for men and women who are interested in the priesthood or religious life. We believe that God still calls young women and men today and we do all we can to encourage that call.
Dominicans of Canada
We are Dominicans brothers, sisters and laity of the Order of Preachers. We are devoted to the proclamation of the Word of God through the means of teaching, preaching, arts, media and social justice.
Fathers of Mercy
The Fathers of Mercy are a religious community of Catholic priests, dedicated to bringing the Mercy of God to all through the preaching of parish missions and retreats. We emphasize the teachings of the Church, the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin, and Confession -- our website is to publicize this mission.
Franciscan Friars Third Order Regular
We vow ourselves to the challenge of living poverty, chastity and obedience in the presence of the Churh. In this way, we follow the crucified and risen Christ and the Gospel of preaching repentance and conversion for the salvation of all.
Institute of the Incarnate Word
We are a Christ-centered, orthodox missionary order, founded in 1984 in Argentina by Fr. Carlos Buela. In the past 28 years, we have opened missions in over fifty countries across the world, including being some of the only Catholic missionaries in countries like Tajikistan, Greenland, and Gaza.
Legion of Christ
Legionaries seek to experience and know Christ intimately in the Gospel, the Eucharist, and the cross. They strive to love him in a personal and passionate way by imitating Him as their only model of holiness.
Marians of the Immaculate Conception
This is the official homepage of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, a worldwide congregation which operates the National Shrine of Divine Mercy at Eden Hill, promotes the Divine Mercy of Jesus as revealed to Blessed Faustina Kowalska, and is home to the Association of Marian Helpers.
Marist Fathers & Brothers
The Marist mission is to spread the good news of God's love and mercy to the world in the spirit of Mary, through whom Jesus chose to take the human form. To be a Marist is to have a sense of being chosen and called by Mary to live compassionately and mercifully as she did as mother and disciple of God.
Maronite Monks of Adoration, Most Holy Trinity Monastery
A contemplative community of Catholic men dedicated to a life of prayer and adoration, a life of religious reparation and penance for souls—that is, for our brothers and sisters in the world, especially those in most need of our prayers.
Maryknoll Vocations
Maryknoll Vocations is the vocation site of the Catholic Foreign MIssion Society of America composed of US priests and brothers who work exclusively overseas with the poor and marginated.
Missionary Society of Saint Paul
The Missionary Society of Saint Paul focuses its ministries on cross-cultural missions and migrant chaplaincy. Site includes history, contacts and ministries of the MSSP, as well as some studies on mission spirituality by Paulist Missionaries.
Monastery of the Holy Cross
Benedictine Monks in Chicago, IL.
Monastery of the Holy Spirit
Our Monastery of the Holy Spirit is located in Conyers, Georgia. Our bookstore and giftshop items are listed online.
Montfort Missionaries
The Company of Mary, also known as the Montfort Missionaries, is an international Religious Congregation in the Roman Catholic Church, dedicated to the establishment of the kingdom of God under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Norbertine Order
The Canons Regular of Premontre -- or Premonstratensians outside English speaking countries -- was founded in the early 12th century by Norbert of Xanten. We are a small order, comprising only about 1400 canon-priests and nuns. This is the official site of the whole order with complete histories of the Order, its rules and by laws, locations and descriptions for all houses. This site is in both English and Latin.
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, a Catholic religious Salesian community of men, with information about vocations to religious life, community, and spirituality.
Oblates of the Virgin Mary
We are congregation of priests and brothers characterized by a personal relationship with Christ in the Eucharist, a total consecration of Jesus through Mary, and fidelity to Holy Father and our founder's charism. Our mission includes retreats, clerical and lay formation, evangelization, apologetics, publishing, missions, parish and student ministry.
Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy
The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy was founded in 1218 and is an international community of priests and brothers, who live a life of prayer and communal fraternity based on the Rule of Saint Augustine and the Constitutions of the Order.
Our Lady of the Assumption Abbey (Trappist monastery)
Assumption Abbey is a community of monks of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance, popularly known as Trappists. We support ourselves by making dark, rich, traditional style fruitcakes.
Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
A Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right founded with the approval of His Holiness Pope John Paul II in 1988, for the formation and sanctification of priests in the framework of the TRADITIONAL LITURGY of the ROMAN RITE and their pastoral deployment in the service of the Church.
Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo
The Fraternity of St. Charles is a young Society of Apostolic Life currently present in 14 countries around the world, engaged in spreading the unity and passion for life which Christ and His Church gave to them.
Saint Andrew's Abbey
St Andrew's Abbey is a monastic community of the Order of St Benedict. Home to 23 monks, St Andrew's is located on 850 acres of dramatic desert landscape in the foothills of the Mojave Desert in the town of Valyermo.
St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
The primary purpose of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary is to provide a human, spiritual, academic, and pastoral program to prepare candidates for the Roman Catholic Priesthood. In response to the increased Hispanic presence in the United States, the seminary fosters a bilingual and multicultural environment. As a freestanding, graduate, professional School of Theology, the seminary is secondarily committed to providing continuing education for clergy, religious, and laity of all denominations. Qualified non-seminarian students may enroll in theological courses and may seek the appropriate degree.
The Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis
Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis -- Catholic Religious Vocational site.
Vision Vocation Network
For the past 20 years, Vision Vocation Guide, published by the National Religious Vocation Conference, has been an indispensable resource for those considering religious life. Its in-depth features and online interactive Vocation Match service, help countless men and woman each year find the vocation that's right for them.
Vocations Placement Service, Inc.
Vocations Placement Service is a non-profit national service organization that exists to help men and women explore their vocation and options to relgious life through a monastery retreat experience.