The CatholiCity Message

Volume II, Number 4 – January 29, 1998

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Only two items today, plus one awfully silly joke:

Some time back, we designed a charming, funny "arrival" page for first time visitors to CatholiCity that is still in use as a link to us from other sites, yet 95% of you have never enjoyed it. We won't give it away, but it does have a cool sound effect. Just for fun, go to:


It took weeks, but we finally finished rescreening and rewriting the descriptions of several hundred links in Best Catholic Links. The *truly* nifty part is the Search function. Not only is every link and description keyword-searchable. We can't do it justice here: you have to use it to appreciate it. Go play around with it at:

Type in "vocation" and up pops dozens of religious congregations for nuns and priests. Type in "Pacwa" and up pops several sites which carry tapes and books by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ. There is simply nothing like this for Catholics on the Internet. The descriptions for every link are also invaluable: you don't have to spend time going into the actual link to know what you'll find there. And because none of our links are to local groups or personal homepages, you'll only pull up "national" services and organizations.

We really, really need your help promoting this new service. We know many of you have expressed a desire to help CatholiCity in non-financial ways because of your current job or family situations. A perfect way that you and only you can help us would be to take a few minutes to post this new development via email to everyone in your address book. Give them the URL to Best Catholic Links, ask them to check out the Search feature, and if you agree with us, ask them to bookmark this page as the first, easiest, fastest, and most trustworthy way to find your way around the Catholic Internet.

Two men die and go to heaven. When they get there they see two lines. One line has a sign over it that says, "All Hen-Pecked Husbands and Single Wimps Check in Here." This line is four deep and two miles long. The other line has a sign over it that says "All Others Check in Here," but has only one man standing in line. So one man goes to the first line, and the second man goes to the "All Others" line and stands next to the one man already waiting.

After a few minutes, the second man asks the man already waiting, "How come you're not waiting in the bigger line with everybody else?"

"Look, buddy," the man replies, "my wife told me to stand in this line and I'm not moving!"

Thanks for being a part of CatholiCity! Remember to pray every day to Saint Michael to Protect your city, Our Lady to guide your city, and Our Lord to provide for your city.

Yours in Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity