The CatholiCity Message

Volume II, Number 42 – November 13, 1998

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Three items this week, plus a bunch of "Bonus" stuff at the end to make up for last week's message, which many of you may have noticed did not exist. Two weeks ago we promised a stunning "only for CatholiCity Citizens" offer, but we're still in the process of setting up the "mechanics." Basically, it's a great new book from a major Catholic apostolate, hugely discounted from the normal price, in any quantity, for 72 hours, free shipping. It's one of those rare books that can change a hardened heart, and by extension, change the universe itself.

We can't. We had to look it up. But our Director of Online Services can spell it forwards and backwards because he grew up there. He has an identical twin brother, married with three children. These twin brothers have lived in Ohio for the past several years. Their father recently purchased a subshop in Albuquerque and his sons are moving home to run it. Our guy will leave CatholiCity after two years of service before Thanksgiving. His job was difficult, sensitive, and often mentally and spiritually fatiguing job, and he has carried the burden well, never complaining, growing steadily in wisdom. It's been a pleasure and honor to work with him. If you want to say your good-byes, please put "ALBUKERKY" in the subject field and email him:


That's exactly the problem–CatholiCity has always been a little top-heavy with "guys." We will introduce a young woman next week. CatholiCity will definitely be showing its feminine strengths during the coming year.  

A great treasure awaits you. We shall explain. Most of us here are the East Coast Rock and Roll Children of the Seventies Types who switch stations when we hear a country music tune come on the radio. We'd rather watch the Network News, or drink the juice that is left over in the can when you take the olives out. However, for the last two weeks, we've been working with a guy who loves what he calls "both kinds of music," that is, Country AND Western, and he's been playing an album by a lady named Marie Bellet over and over again.

Turns out she's Catholic to the core, and dang (a little Country lingo there) if we haven't fallen head over heals in love with her lovely voice, almost haunting melodies, and extremely moving spiritual message. We find ourselves humming the tunes all day long. And, we know this sounds mushy from a big tough, "Quien Esta Mas Macho" guys like us, but Marie Bellet nourishes our soul. Marie has a way of communicating all those things on a Catholic wife and mother's heart in a way that a husband and father can finally understand. In fact, the name of the album is "What I Wanted to Say." And guys, she could have called it "What You Blockheads Never Hear." CatholiCity Moms, you are going to absolutely go bonkers over this album. Marie knows what its like. All you tough guys will love it too. Allow us to gush some more. The production quality of this album is as good as it gets by any Nashville standard. It's one of those rare albums where you find yourself getting a new "favorite" song every other time you listen to it. Marie Bellet's webpage is:

To order call: 800-611-7180

We're not done. We want so much for those of you who can afford this album to get it and listen to it at least three times until you fall in love with it too. Pay the full price so Marie can make more music. Pray before you listen, or just listen to it like you would listen to any music. It will grow on you. This is one of those opportunities where you, the CatholiCity Citizens, can change the way things work. There really is no "distribution" for Catholic music artists in this world. There are no Catholic music stations, no giant Record Companies selling and advertising Catholic music, and we don't think Wal-Mart or Sam Goody carry Marie's album–yet. We know how these artists feel–we can't tell you how many times we've been told that "Catholics don't read fiction." Is that so? Just producing an album of this quality is a gigantic undertaking–and Mrs. Bellet did it while raising seven children.

Give Marie Bellet a shot in the arm. Get the album. We're hoping one of you knows Mrs. Bellet and will forward her this CatholiCity Message. Tell her that we said two things. Tell her we said, "Thank You." And tell her we said "Please make more music."

"Perfect is the enemy of good."

What's the secret to (timing) telling a good joke?

We believe that all foods are merely delivery systems for Tobasco Sauce.

The only saint whose entire skeletal remains repose in the United States is Saint Christine of Bolsema. They are kept in The Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. We're not sure how these remains got there. Saint Christine was an early virgin and martyr. Her father, a Roman Magistrate, put her to death for holding to her Christian beliefs in the town of Bolsema, about sixty miles north of Rome. But wait, there's more...

A millennia later, in the early 1200s, centuries before Cleveland existed, a priest named Peter was having severe doubts about the True Presence in the Eucharist while celebrating Mass in Bolsema over the altar holding Christine's remains. During the consecration, the bread and wine turned to real flesh and blood. Some of the blood spilled on the floor and permanently penetrated the marble–you can see it for yourself to this day. The priest rushed out of the church and bumped into the Pope, who happened to be travelling to Bolsema that day. The Pope (we forget his name) declared it a miracle on the spot.

Curiously, this Pope happened to be a Frenchman. Before he became pope, while still in France, a holy woman name Elizabeth of Aquataine has badgered him to do what he could to honor the Body of Christ. Soon after this miracle, the self-same pope instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi, which we celebrate today. Tradition also has it that this miracle inspired this pope to commission Saint Thomas Aquinas to compose his famous Mass in Gregorian Chant. From this we get "Pange Lingua" and "Tantum Ergo" which we sing at Benediction. The Greater Cleveland area is today well-known for having more Perpetual Adoration Chapels than any other place in America. And is HQ to the Mary Foundation and CatholiCity. Hmmnn.

Let's pray this together, with the intention for the conversion of our most faithless and hardened relatives and friends. "Dear Jesus, truly present in all the tabernacles throughout the world, convert sinners. I love you Jesus. Saint Christine of Bolsema, pray for us. Amen."

We hope you enjoyed this CatholiCity Message.

With Mary,

Your Friends at CatholiCity
Marie Bellet Music Lovers
Tabasco Afficionados
Dads and Moms