The CatholiCity Message

Volume VII, Number 5 – March 17, 2003

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

This will be short and sweet, or, at least, short or sweet...


"The enemy is glad to make you lose time
when he cannot make you lose eternity."
Saint Francis de Sales

"At any rate it is now quite clear that neither future nor past actually exists. There are three 'times': a present of things past, a present of things present, and a present of things future. For these three exist in the mind, and I find them nowhere else."
Saint Augustine

"It is wisest to grieve most at loss of time."

"Next to grace, time is the most precious gift of God."
Cardinal Manning

CatholiCity has never had those annoying "pop up" windows, and never will. We hate the blasted things.

The most articulate formulation of the application of Just War principles to the possible conflict in Iraq, specifically addressing the role of the Church and competent authority is "Father Richard John Neuhaus on the Iraqi Crisis," which we've linked on our Catholic Newswire Commentary page:

Our next 54 Day Rosary Novena starts this Wednesday 19 March, feast of Saint Joseph, Husband. Join countless families around the world as we pray for each other. More info here:

We recently heard from a woman whose conversion began after she found Saint Jude Media novels at the library.

She's supremely grateful to the good soul who made the effort and took the time to donate the novels to that library. Would you or your family consider helping Saint Jude Media as a Lenten Project by giving our novels to your local public or school libraries? Request your free copies by writing to Saint Jude Media, PO Box 26120, Fairview Park OH 44126. Donations are optional. Or request them online:


Contraception is always morally wrong–a cancer that is destroying the Mystical Body of Christ in the United States, Canada, and the western world. There will be no "renewal" of Catholicism in our nations until contraception ceases to exist within our ranks.

The Catholic Church is the one true church outside of which there is no salvation because Heaven is All Catholic All the Time. Your soul will be judged by Jesus according to the absolute truths He revealed through His life and His Catholic Church–not Martin Luther's teachings, the Buddha's, or Joe Blow on TV's.

Every person is an immortal being who has free will and can choose to merit eternity in hell or heaven. Not only can you go to hell forever, you surely will if you freely commit mortal sin and do not repent before you die.

It is gravely sinful to receive Holy Communion if you committed a mortal sin. Catholics are obliged to go to Confession (Easter Duty) once a year. Humility, fasting, contrition, almsgiving, and obedience are the most pleasing gifts to offer Jesus in Lent.

God is a loving and merciful Father Who will make you as white as snow–but He will never force you to repent.

We admit there are gentler ways to say these things. But there is no excuse for not saying them at all. This is for all of us who won't hear anything like this from the pulpit during Lent–and for those who don't want to hear it. We love you most, my friends :-)


When a homeschooling mom talks to herself is she having a parent-teacher conference?

Could an eel ever find a solemate?

If an actor became engaged to an actress, could he ever bow out? If so, at what stage? Would she applaud him–or bring down the curtain?


"Fasting is better than prayer and almsgiving is better than both." Saint Clement I

All 70,000 of us have been brought together for divine reasons only God fully comprehends. The prayer below is simple but it takes courage. Best you read it first just to make sure you pray it in freedom. We believe you have it what it takes.

"Dear Jesus, I accept that nothing--nothing--should stand between me and Your will. Give me the grace to repent this Lent for those times I chose anything else. I commit myself again to complete obedience to your laws, your example, and your Church. Grant me the desire and infuse within me the grace to change the world. I promise to stop wasting your time. I will cease being selfish. I will end impure thoughts and deeds, and keep going to Confession immediately if I fall until Your Will triumphs. I will begin praying more. I will mean it every time I say the Our Father and lay my soul onto the words, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen."


"Love lost, such a cost. Give me things that don't get lost, like a coin that won't get tossed..."
Neil Young, Old Man

A young man had dinner with about twelve men in 1981. College. Notre Dame. Someone asked, "What is your favorite Bible passage?" The room was full of committed Catholic men, most of whom studied the Bible with great ardor and reverence, and he was blown away by their articulate explanations of their favorite passages. He was out of our league. His turn came.

"My favorite Scripture, I guess, is Ask and You Shall Receive. I ask God for everything, and He gives it," we offered sheepishly.

Nobody was particularly impressed, and maybe you aren't either. That's okay. We told this story because we want you to know what we're up to with this Message. You've noticed that we've been challenging you to pray, to fast, and to commit to profound change lately.

We know how hard life can be for you and that real change seems impossible, especially as we grow older and set in our ways. Don't let the devil deceive you–you can change. Change is never easy. We try to offer you "coins that won't get tossed." As Jesus said in a passage that is often overlooked: "Give freely what has been given to you." We only offer you what we have been given.

We believe that "Ask and you shall receive" applies not only to God, but to man. So we ask you to change. To consider the unpopular Truths. To give it a shot. And we believe–we know in our bones–you sense we respect your ability to make up your own mind. You know we ask of ourselves these same things.

Has your life changed for the better relative to God, Truth, Grace, and Beauty though this Message, in big or small ways? If not, accept our apologies.

We'll keep asking. That's the big not-so-profound "secret" of why the Mary Foundation and CatholiCity reach so many souls, aside from God's guidance and grace. We ask. You answer. We were tough on you today. Thank you for sticking with us. You're the best.

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity