The CatholiCity Message

Volume XII, Number 4 – April 30, 2008

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We have only a few short yet potent items for you this month. Let's begin with….

The Holy Father's wonderful visit to Washington DC and New York reminded us of a very popular article we posted when he was elected called "The Jesus System," a reflection on Christ's brilliant historical design of papal elections. It's worth a few minutes of your time:

Along those lines, last year Pope Benedict himself instituted some rule changes to papal elections, which you may have missed:

Everyone loves movies. Cuddling up with your children on the couch and eating popcorn while watching a wholesome movie is what is all about. Founded and run by dedicated Catholics, Faith and Family Flix works just like Netflix--a low monthly fee (starting at $9.99), online movie selection, free by-the-mail delivery and return, and no late fees.

Faith and Family Flix offers a large, extensive family-friendly selection of movies and television shows on DVD, including hard-to-find religious, inspirational, and pro-life titles. We heartily recommend this wonderful service:


"I shall now let the whole cat out of the bag and state Pascal's ultimate conclusion right here at the beginning: Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life or our death, of God, or of ourselves."
Peter Kreeft

"46,000 people showed up to see the Pope in the Washington Nationals ballpark. He beat the Nationals 15-1. To make sure the crowd did not get unruly they cut off beer sales after the 7th commandment."
Jay Leno

"The Church is universal because she is born of God, all nations are at home in her, and the arms of her crucified Master are stretched above all races, above all civilizations. She does not bring nations the 'benefits of civilization,' but the blood of Christ and supernatural beatitude."
Jacques Maritain

"We must take things as they are. To believe in the Church is to believe in the pope. And thus this belief in the pope and his attributes, which seems so montrous to Protestants, is bound up with our being Catholics at all; as our Catholicism is bound up with our Christianity."
John Cardinal Newman

"What is the real doctrine of infallibility? It simply means that the pope, as successor of Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, by virtue of the promises of Jesus Christ, is preserved from error of judgment when he promulgates to the Church a decision on faith or morals."
Cardinal Gibbons

Are you wearing a brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? If you answered No, well, you should be. From the CatholiCity Archives, here are our favorite Brown Scapular Bumper Stickers:

The Brown Scapular: Don't Get Dressed Without It
The Brown Scapular: Just Wear It
The Brown Scapular: Wear Your Love for Mary
The Brown Scapular: Catholic Underwear
The Brown Scapular: You Bet Your Eternal Life!
The Brown Scapular: You're Better off Dead
The Brown Scapular: Plenty of Time to Itch in Heaven
The Brown Scapular: Put Stock in Simon Stock
The Brown Scapular: It's a Shirt. It's a Shield.
The Brown Scapular: Cool Catholics Wear Wool

The finest quality brown scapulars we know are sold by the Rose Scapular Company. Don't be put off by the home-made website--the scapulars are top notch, comfortable, and long-lasting with everyday use. To view or order scapulars, visit here:

Let us all join together, all tens of thousands of us, in a heartfelt prayer of gratitude for the recent visit of Pope Benedict, and for the Holy Father himself. Everyone needs prayers. Imagine how much the pope needs yours:

"Upon this Rock He will build His Church! And the jaws of death shall not prevail against her! O Mother of the Redeemer, Living Tabernacle of the Eucharist, and Luminous Rose of Heaven, with humble confidence we ask you to bestow upon the Holy Father all the graces and blessings reserved for him by the Holy Trinity from all eternity. Help his friends... convert his enemies. Saint Joseph, pray for us and for Pope Benedict XVI. Amen."

Until next time, we remain yours...

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity