The CatholiCity Message

Volume XV, Number 2 – March 8, 2011

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We spent three years searching for the perfect talk. It's called "The Eucharist Explained" by Rich May and we believe it is the best talk on this subject ever recorded.

Below we'll share more about this exciting new talk along with compelling reasons to spread the word about this CD online, but first, here are three easy ways to get your copies right away (we'll ship your CDs today if you order before 3:00 pm EST):

1. Order online:

2. Print a mail-in order form:

3. No printer? U.S. residents can also write to:

The Mary Foundation
Eucharist Explained Offer
PO Box 26101
Fairview Park, OH 44126-0101

Donations are optional and shipping is free in the U.S.

This is vitally important: if you order 20 or more CDs you can also get a free display for your church, parish program, office, or social event. Thousands of your fellow CatholiCity Citizens have already used this simple tool to reach hundreds of souls in their own backyards.

"The Eucharist Explained" is perfect for Lent. With Ash Wednesday upon us, now is the ideal time to give CDs to open-minded Catholics who otherwise rarely show up to Church, many of whom have not heard a compelling talk on this subject since their First Communion.

Our most recent Mary Foundation recordings (The Mass Explained, Marriage and the Eucharist, Seven Secrets of the Eucharist) had enormous impact because they target the very heart of where we all live our Christian faith, Sunday after Sunday: our intimate communion with Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Rich May's comprehensive presentation contains theology, Biblical foundations, history, and life-changing insights about the Eucharist you have never heard before.

I can hardly wait for you to hear Rich May. A former Air Force pilot and engineer with an advanced degree in Theology, he has an amazing gift for translating difficult theology into layman's terms. A man after my own heart, he has been giving free talks all over the southwest. I have always felt that the technological miracle of a CD is that it allows all of us to bring something few of us possess -- the talent, dedication, and articulateness of someone like Rich May -- into the cars and homes of family, friends, and even people we have never met.

Find out more here:

This Lent, please make a relatively small effort to distribute these life-altering tools of evangelization. In fact, we know from two decades of experience as your "supplier" that the Holy Spirit has particular people in mind that only you can reach, some of whom will actually convert to Catholicism. Of course, this is not magic -- only the grace of Jesus converts souls -- but He created His Mystical Body to require your participation and sacrifice. We must cooperate with His plan.

Just imagine meeting the souls you have touched in heaven.

To help the most souls, it is crucial that you forward this message to the folks in your address book and post it on your favorite blogs, Facebook, forums, and Twitter. Ever since we started this e-letter fifteen years ago, you, the "Citizens" of CatholiCity, have played a pivotal role in jump-starting online word-of-mouth for new free CDs from the Mary Foundation.

Our Lord needs you to make a personal, prayerful decision to spend a small amount of time to make a gigantic impact on individual souls. Together we can and will reach millions. Please order your copies of The Eucharist Explained then start spreading the news online today:

Let us end here. Why did Our Lady get you involved with the Mary Foundation? Our Lord said "The harvest is great but the workers are few." We hear this all the time. But do you recall what He said directly after those words?

"...So ask the harvestmaster to send more workers."

Every day at Mass, since 1991, after receiving Holy Communion, I ask Jesus to send us more workers for the great harvest of souls. The Mary Foundation is not much more complicated than that. We give you stuff. You give it to others. He sent you to us. Our Lady guided you here.

So follow your heart, because "the heart hath reasons that reason doth not know." The mystical reality of the Holy Catholic Faith and Our Lord's unfathomable plans for each of us are beyond any other words or reasons that I can hope to convey to you in an email.

My coworkers and I are honored to be able to offer you this gift. We trust in your judgment and generosity. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. We'll return with our regular CatholiCity Message soon. God bless.

With Christ,

Bud Macfarlane