The CatholiCity Message

Volume XXI, Number 1 – February 10, 2017

Are We in the End Times?

Dear Catholicity Citizen,

This inaugurates the twenty-first year of the CatholiCity Message—the great granddaddy and still America's favorite Catholic email newsletter! Thank you for your faithfulness. Who would have guessed that the most important class I took in high school was Typing?

At times this year, including today, I really am going to keep items briefer. Mostly. I did today.

Our theme for 2017 is the same as last year: Jesus, Jesus, and more Jesus. Convert! Repent! Fast! Pray! Receive Communion! Get serious about seeking holiness! Exclamation Points!

Protest Planned Parenthood on Saturday, February 11
Our fellow apostles at the Pro-Life Action League are sponsoring a peaceful protest of every Planned Parenthood facility in the country tomorrow, Saturday, February 11th. To find out a location near you, go to

Are We Living in the End Times?
To put it bluntly, Yes. At least according to our free, mind-blowing talk, Marian Apparitions Explained. Listen again or for the first time to the best, most popular and truly mind-blowing summary of approved apparitions of Mary and her son Jesus ever recorded.

Your Best Lent Ever!
Ash Wednesday is jogging steadily toward us—March 1 this year. Next week I will more formally invite you to distribute our ridiculously affordable CDs, novels, and booklets in parishes near you, but allow me to nudge you now. Order here to receive your materials with plenty of time to spare (and don't forget to order our free displays). Help God change one soul and change the universe! Exclamation point!

Did We Make It?
That is, did we reach our annual Christmas Appeal goal? Almost. We are very close thanks to your amazing generosity and high participation rate. We only need around fifty to a hundred more donors if you want to put us over the top. (And we still have plenty of blessed Fatima Anniversary medals, fridge magnets, and art-prints as Thank You gifts.)


Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to truth. Intolerance applies only to truth, but never to persons. Tolerance applies to erring; intolerance to the error.
– Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Some Upcoming Feast Days

Thursday, February 23. St. Polycarp. Early bishop and martyr. I just loving saying (or even just thinking) "Polycarp." I want to know someone named Polycarp.

Wednesday, March 1. Ash Wednesday. Someone pointed out to me that another well-known (and wonderful) Catholic publisher, uh, has been echoing, my "Your Best Lent Ever" line. Thanks! Exclamation point!

Sunday, March 12. Daylight Savings Time begins in most places. Okay, it's not a feast day. But we love it, don't we? I celebrate by going outside.

I Promise... share my miraculous "How I Stopped Smoking" story soon. It is going to help people you know stop, or you if you smoke and want to stop. I promise that, too.

Praying Together, and Simply
Join me and tens of thousands of your fellow CatholiCity Citizens, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

Dear Jesus, this year show each of us, in painful detail if needed, the ways you want us to improve, to serve you better, to love others more deeply, and to pray, commune, and consume You with a clean, humble, and sincere heart. After you show me these things, Jesus, give me the grace to change. I trust in you. All I need is you. Now, Jesus, now. Amen.

And amen. Sometimes some of you write to ask permission if you can reprint or use the prayers I compose. Of course! Exclamation point!

As always, I welcome your comments and reactions. Just hit reply. Thank you so much for being a part of our lives. I remain yours...

With Immaculate Mary,

Bud Macfarlane
Founder and Executive Director