Join Me in the Holy Land?

Volume XXII, Number 7 – September 5, 2018

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

I have a short message today, yet no less important because There is A Deadline. My "regular" irregular CatholiCity Message will return in a couple weeks.

Update: Roy Schoeman CD

My heartfelt thanks to those of you who responded to my invitation to order Roy Schoeman's amazing new conversion CD. We've been working into the wee hours to keep up! If you missed my announcement, you can still order here:

Order Roy's Talk Now

Join Me in the Holy Land and Rome

For those you who have been blessed with the time and wherewithal, please consider joining me in the Holy Land in Israel and Rome, Italy, from October 17th through 28th during our fourth annual CatholiCity Prayer Intentions Pilgrimage, which coincides with the filming of Messiah.

Click to watch the inspiring Messiah trailer and find out more about this landmark Catholic mini-series. In fact, most of the "pilgrims" will be members of the film production crew, including host Leonardo Defilippis.

Can you join our intrepid little group? Contact Canterbury Pilgrimages, which is organizing this life-changing spiritual experience:

PLEASE NOTE: Registration is now closed.

If you're a new CatholiCity Citizen, I will be making this trip with one crucial mission: to hand-carry tens of thousands of your special intentions to the most sacred places in the Holy Land and Rome (just as we did at Fatima and the major Shrines in Canada over the past few years).

Miracles for Your Life

I go because the vast majority of you simply cannot bring your intentions to these supernaturally potent places, this time to retrace the dirt paths where Jesus, his mother, and his apostles walked, taught, performed miracles, and suffered.

Miracles will occur. Cures. Conversions. Financial relief. Jobs found. Relationships healed.

My Role in Messiah

I have been working as a volunteer on Messiah with its brilliant producer, my friend Rick Rotundi, for a long time. I've edited the amazing script and even introduced Rick to Roy Schoeman, who stars in the 8-part documentary as an expert on the Judaic roots of Catholicism.

My Best Friend the Priest

I'm thrilled that Fr. John O'Brien, SJ, is coming as spiritual director of the pilgrimage--to celebrate private Masses, hear Confessions, and offer you spiritual direction and insight. I've known Fr. John since he was a college kid. He has edited my novels (and his father, Micheal O'Brien's novels such as Father Elijah) and is now the Jesuit vocation director for all of Canada.

What Does the Blessed Mother Want?

For a 10-day trip with three overseas flights, the cost is actually quite low. (CatholiCity receives no fee, by the way. We never do stuff like that!)

I know so many of you cannot afford this or are not in a position to leave your responsibilities. I believe Our Lady desires a handful of you, as couples or individuals, to represent your fellow CatholiCity Citizens, so pray and decide by the September 14th deadline.

If you come, I am looking forward to starting a lifetime friendship (and don't be surprised if we need you to run errands for Messiah)! Join Bud in the Holy Land

Let's Pray!

Tens of thousands of us, together, we begin in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

Dear Jesus, I'm sorry. I have been selfish. I have been so selfish that I don't even know most of the ways I have put myself before others. Please, forgive me. Please, heal me. Please, teach me to do better. Give me the grace to go to Confession and make a brave, honest accounting for my sins. Let me whisper in your ear. I know you are merciful and loving, so I ask for your mercy and love. That is all I need. Amen.

Thanks, my friends. Quick question: my longtime readers know I rarely get caught up in "current events." Do you want to hear my thoughts on the crisis? Until next time, I remain yours,

With Immaculate Mary,

And Saint Joseph,

Bud Macfarlane
