Our Forgotten Saints

Volume XXIII, Number 8 – October 8, 2019

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

I promise only one thing...you will be surprised by something you read in today's CatholiCity Message. And I know you will moved by our group prayer at the conclusion.

Helping the Unborn

Last message, I told you about a book I was asked to write that could have profound impact on the Catholic Church worldwide and asked for your advice and prayers (I have an update on that book below.) Father Frank Pavone at Priests of Life has been giving me advice, and he asked if he could write to you. So here here is Father, in his own words...

Thank you for the support you give Bud Macfarlane, who has been a friend for many years. You are all doing such tremendous good for the Church!

Our efforts to help the unborn in the 2020 elections are in full swing. We are building a grassroots army of volunteers to devote time in their own communities, even right from their own computers, to help educate and mobilize voters. The time to act is now--not six months before local, state, and federal elections. Will you join us by visiting www.ProLifeVolunteer.com today?

God has given Priests for Life a wonderful team to assist you, including Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King Jr.) and Janet Morana, cofounder of Silent No More. Please join our team!

With Christ, Fr. Frank Pavone, Founder, Priests for Life

Remember Messiah?

Most of you will recall our pilgrimage to bring your intentions to the Holy Land and Rome in 2018, including assisting my friend Rick Rotundi in the production of Messiah, an 8-part miniseries that traces how Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies--from Abraham to the Conversion of Rome three hundred years after Christ's resurrection. Messiah was just released for online viewing for you or your parish (you can buy individual episodes or the entire series). We all get confused by the jumble of Old Testament readings, yet after watching Messiah, your experience at Mass, and your prayer life, will never be the same!

When you click here to find out how to view Messiah, I recommend you go to the Bonus Features near the bottom and watch the brief samples of the expert commentators, including our own Roy Schoeman and Father John O'Brien.

Book Update

I want to thank all of you who advised me about whether to write a book that will be at the epicenter of a worldwide movement to reform the Catholic Church. After intense prayer and consulting with dozens of Catholic friends, priests, theologians, and experts, I have been writing nonstop.

A few weeks into it, something amazing happened. I saw "with the eyes of my heart," as Saint Paul describes it, a solution so simple and practical, that I can hardly believe it. I am reeling, in fact. You're going to love it. I will supply more details as the months progress and I still need your daily prayers.

When the solution is unveiled to the world, I want you to know now that your participation in this apostolate, whether for twenty weeks or twenty years, made it possible. You will share the treasure in heaven.


"The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with the bishops as their sign posts."
Saint John Chrysostom

"Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing bother you. God alone suffices."
Saint Teresa of Avila

"Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear."
Saint Catherine of Sienna

"The most powerful among the Christian faithful in our times are the devout Catholic mothers and fathers, the grandmothers and grandfathers, who pray unceasingly for their fallen away children and grandchildren, especially with their Holy Rosaries. Jesus, the Messiah, who lays His enemies at His feet, hears your prayers, and will answer you, even unto the hours, neigh, unto the last millisecond of the life of your child. Even after you pass from this world, you will intercede in a perfect calibration of grace before the Throne of Heaven, because you and Jesus both love them will all your hearts. Trust. Trust. Trust. Be brave in your prayers. Trust."
Joseph Wood

Tens of Thousands

Thank you for reading every word. Let us, tens of thousands of us together, pray to those I consider the Forgotten Saints, our relatives in heaven.

Oh, all my relatives in heaven, going back to the time of the apostles, I ask for you help, for I am desperate and need hope, against all hope, and I believe.

Please ask the Father to forgive me for not even knowing your names, or calling upon you daily, to intercede for the conversion of our children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives--who are also your children, close friends, and relatives--by your very blood and the associations of Divine Providence. Saint Jude the Apostle is powerful in heaven in part because he was Jesus' cousin, who played with Our Lord as a little boy.

I fear not addressing Saint Jude, and so with great consolation I turn to you as well, my relatives in heaven, along with all of your guardian angels, to unceasingly implore Jesus the Messiah, conquerer of nations and hearts, to unleash a torrent, a storm, a tidal wave of graces for the conversion of our children and grandchildren and closest friends!

Show me that you are here with me, O Forgotten Saints of my family line! Thank you for your fidelity, without which I would not know my Lord and Savior through baptism spanning one hundred generations! You, who feast at the Eternal Mass of the Lamb of God, be with me whenever I receive Holy Communion, and at the hour of my death, Amen.

Thank you so much for reading and being a part of my life. We're running a little low on funds lately, which happens every summer. If you feel called to make a donation--all I ask for is everything, ha ha!--please just click on the button below. We even have some Holy Sepulchre rosaries left!

With Saint Joseph,

Bud Macfarlane