A Gift that is Always Welcome

Volume XXIV, Number 10 – May 16, 2020

Because of you we discovered thoughtful way to evangelize the people in our lives that is always welcome.

Dear CatholiCity Citizens,

Boy I'm in a good mood!

I love all of you so much. I'll be back next week with a "regular" CatholiCity Message, but I wanted you to know that we spent the past two weeks producing a whole new line of beautiful Relic Prayer Medals.

Take a gander below. (My favorite is the Crucifix!)

We worked non-stop to provide these because of you. You are the ones who distributed Coronavirus Miraculous Medals over the past month, and based on your emails and letters, the reaction you have received from your family and friends has been utterly positive. Here's what we learned:

1. These are gifts that are always welcome.

2. During a time of fear, loneliness, and sacramental desolation, you found a way to console those most in need.

3. These are a gentle, considerate way to evangelize because they foster prayer and each medal is a tangible connection to heaven because they are touched to my Relic of the True Cross and relics (bones) of our most beloved saints.

Take a closer look and click to learn more:

On each new medal's webpage, I took a few hours to write a special personal letter about the saint and my connection to them, including fascinating stories and insights I promise most Catholics do not know about (including you).

These personal letters all feature a different goofy photo of me, so you could check them out for a laugh at my expense without readin' nuthin'.

That's it. If you need more Relic Prayer Medals, then reload, fellow warriors in the battle for souls. If you haven't ordered any yet, take a few minutes to join the fun!

Order Relic Prayer Medals

I'll be back soon, dear friends, including with my thoughts on the state of the world resulting from the Coronavirus.

Praying with the Saints

So now let's pray. Tens of thousands of us together, to Our Lady, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee,
and for those who do not have recourse to thee,
especially for the enemies of the Church.

Lay your mantle upon the entire world,
especially those places suffering the most.
Send your spouse the Holy Spirit into my soul, today, now,
to burst into flames the ember of my baptism!

Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Saint Anthony, pray for us!
Saint Thérèse, pray for us!
Saint Benedict, pray for us!
Saint Jude, pray for us!
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!
Christ Crucified, help us take up your Holy Cross,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love you!

Thanks for being with me and my family, and praying with me during these strange months without the sacraments. I am truly grateful for all of you. I remain yours...

With the Queen of Heaven,

Bud Macfarlane

P.S. Because we "ramped up" to larger volumes, we were able to lower the minimum online donation significantly. Plus anyone in America can receive them completely free by mail. Just use this form.

Order Relic Prayer Medals

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Watch How Relic Medal Prayer Cards Are Made

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