The CatholiCity Message

Volume II, Number 8 – February 27, 1998

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We're composing this from a hotel in North Platte, Nebraska, where we're stopping over on our drive home from a research trip to Montana. We met CatholiCity Citizens everywhere, from Coon Rapids to Missoula. We simply don't have time to recount all that happened on this trip, and after driving through hundreds of miles of the Great Blizzard of 1998, we need sleep. Next week, we'll give you a report on our climb up the mountain in Butte, Montana to see Our Lady of the Rockies, we'll include where you can see online photographs of what turned out to be quite an adventure.

On Monday, March 2nd, Joe Scheidler's "NOW" trial begins in Chicago. You'll recall that we asked you to pray for him a few weeks ago. Joe personally thanked us for all the CatholiCity Citizens who contacted the Pro-Life Action League promising prayers and support. Let's finish strong! Keep praying, and join me in a fast on Monday. You can go to the PLAL website for updates:

Katy, now Postulant Kateri, came to work for CatholiCity's parent organization in the summer of 1996. This holy and beautiful woman left a mark on us that has not faded since she joined the Poor Clares in Virginia in the Spring of 1997. On Monday, March 2nd, she will make her first vows and receive her habit. Please pray for her. She prays for you every day.

Please tell somebody about CatholiCity.

Yours in Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity