The CatholiCity Message

Volume III, Number 18 – June 25, 1999

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Hi. It's almost 5 am. We're swamped this week, so we'll keep it short. It's prayer week...

Irene (the atheist) sent us a final message (so she says), telling us that she felt betrayed that we distorted her words (even though we didn't quote her), and that we held her up as an object of pity and scorn when we asked you to pray for her. We're truly sorry she felt this way. We do not and did not feel that we betrayed her. Hey, let's pray for her again, all 14,000 of us...

"Dear Jesus, please help Irene receive the gift of faith. Please do whatever You have to do. Amen."

We're sure many of you are familiar with one of the unique Catholic publishers of our age, TAN Books:

A few of you know that they been valiantly fighting to stay afloat financially for almost two years, just barely staving off bankruptcy. They're hanging in there, but we know they could use a few prayers, and perhaps an encouraging email if you were to stop by their website. Let's pray for TAN Books...

"Dear Jesus, please send TAN Books the financial resources they need to keep publishing great Catholic books. Amen."

We sure do love children. We mean: we really love children. They're so much fun. Immortal wonders each and every one of them. We like making them laugh. Throwing them up into the air (and catching them, of course). Talking with them. Don't you love them too? So let's pray...

"Dear Jesus, if You want any person reading this message to have another child, give them the grace and strength to be open to life. Amen."

We love Jesus. In some ways, He remains a huge mystery to us all, and we wish we knew Him better. We guess that big hug will have to wait until heaven, but in the meantime, let's pray together...

"Dear Jesus, we love You. Amen."

For devout Catholics in our baby-hating society, there is probably nothing quite like the suffering endured by Catholic couples who either are incapable of having children or have trouble having children. They love children, too, and are open to life, and in the Mystery of the Cross, are unable to receive this priceless gift. Let our hearts go out to these beautiful souls open to life with this prayer...

"Dear Jesus, please grant special graces to all Your couples who long for children. Console them. You wanted the children to come to You. So do they, in imitation of You. If possible, and if it is part of Your Divine Will, grant them the miracle of life! Amen."

Many CatholiCity Citizens are stationed overseas in the military, were in the military at one time, or are related to servicemen and women. We have been writing for a long time, in many ways and in many kinds of writing, but we can never find the words to express how deeply grateful we are for all the men and women who serve our beloved country in the armed forces, especially in recent years, under unusual and difficult circumstances. You in the military know exactly what we're talking about. Sadly, many Americans don't appreciate your sacrifices. To protect the homeland, a number of you have been called away from it. One CatholiCity Citizen recently told me about U.S. servicemen stationed in Bosnia who, in an effort to avoid casualties, are forbidden to have contact with the local people. They go on patrol, then go back to the camp, day after day, week after week, month after month; strangers in a strange land. It's a difficult situation. And not just in Bosnia. So let's pray for all men and women in uniform...

"Dear Jesus, protect those who are willing to die to protect us. Vouchsafe their return, intact in mind, heart, body, and soul, to a peaceful nation. We love them. You love them. It was You who said that a soldier–a pagan, in fact–had the greatest faith in all of Israel. Bless and keep and help and guide our Centurions. Amen."

The Y2K computer problem is a strange thing. It seems to be a huge, big concern for a minority, and a tiny, minor concern for the majority. It's been mentioned here in this CatholiCity Message from time to time. As we close our eyes (and somehow continue to type), four words of prayer, four perfect words, the words that saved the world in the Garden of Gethsemane, come to mind for prayer...

"Dear Father, Thy Will be done. Amen."

Roger that. Boom boom boom. Just like that. That's a lotta praying. See you next week with something different. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity