The CatholiCity Message

Volume IV, Number 18 – August 15, 2000

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We'll keep this short. Please accept our apology. We blew it. Our appeal for help must have been too longwinded, and we're certain only a few of you actually read it. Here's the response to the Tax Drive so far:

290 Online Donors out of 22,000 Citizens
35 New Monthly Donors

Total Gifts: Around $13,000

At this same juncture last year the tax drive had resulted in four times the number of donations, so it must be our fault. Remember, a large portion of this $13,000 will go to covering the cost of producing and shipping those new Rosary CDs. Of course, based on the last two tax drives, probably an equal number of you are sending in snail mail donations, and that is very very much appreciated. We're not blaming you for the weak response. We tried our best, and inadvertantly fired two or three new CatholiCity workers before they ever got hired!

Let's hire them back!

We thank God you're reading this, giving us another chance. Please don't hold our shortcomings against the souls that a bigger, stronger CatholiCity could touch.

So here is our appeal again, this time in fifty words or less:

CatholiCity is in a position for the first time ever to reach countless more people–hundreds of thousands more than we reach right now. This would require hiring two or three additional full-time workers to program new services, conduct online "guerilla" marketing, respond to thousands of additional Customer Service inquiries, and expand highly successful existing services. This would cost at least $90,000. Just imagine 220,000 of us praying together in the CatholiCity Message instead of 22,000 and you'll get the idea. Imagine an additional sixty thousand fallen-away Catholics "reverting" to the faith. That's $1.50 a soul. Will you help us? Please, we beg you, give us another chance. End of appeal.

We called a friend, longtime CatholiCity Citizen, and told him about the lackluster response. "Well, it was a long email, but other than that, we just don't get it," he said. "CatholiCity is on the verge of exploding and you're offering a free Rosary CD with just one click. You make it so easy. Why didn't everybody at least get the free Rosary CDs? How many Rosary CDs have they requested so far–a thousand? They got 13,000 Confession tapes back in April, didn't they?"

Did you see our long message and delete the appeal or "get lost in the words"? If this final "short" appeal isn't motivating you, then we'll take your continued silence to mean: "We just don't care. A stagnant CatholiCity is okay by me. Good luck!" If this is not how you feel, then feel free to "tell us" with a gift in any amount. (And if you want our wonderful new Rosary CD, anything you give over $2 per CD will go directly to the support of CatholiCity...)

Click here to make an online donation:

This time last year, we had 250 monthly benefactors. We now have 150. Are you willing to help us get that back to 250 (roughly 1% of active CatholiCity Citizens)? If your answer is yes, click here:

If you don't have a credit card or don't feel comfortable using credit cards online, you can send a check made out to "CatholiCity" and send it to:

PO Box 26101
Fairview Park OH 44126-0101

You can tell us how many Rosary CDs in a note, or print out a snailmail form here:

From the depths of our souls, we want to thank you on behalf of an unknown (but no doubt huge) number of souls who will be nurtured in our beloved Catholic Faith if you do help out. Go for it! Blow us away! We're at 290 tax-paying Citizens and $13,000. Wouldn't it be great if we could announce 2,900 donors and $90,000?

Please, will you help us get there?

Oh, and if you're sending a donation through snailmail, let us know and we'll add it to the totals.

Yours in Christ,

Your Chagrined Friends at CatholiCity