The CatholiCity Message

Volume IV, Number 20 – September 15, 2000

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Let's begin, all 22,000 of us, with a prayer. "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen." We're going to need the grace, because our goal this week is to help influence the upcoming presidential election in a supremely Catholic way, so please proceed with enthusiasm. We've only got two items this week, plus a quote from Al Gore that will shock those who don't know him well. Let's get started...

Because CatholiCity is one of the top websites for Catholics in the world, our stand on the Internet in general often surprises people. Here it is, on the chin: the Internet is a cesspool of easy-to-access pornography–degrading photos, websites, chat rooms, and discussion groups. We have always felt that it is morally irresponsible for parents to allow their children spend time on the Net without close supervision. Even with so-called "filtered" portals and software programs, the Internet is still a danger for a "creative" young surfer.

And the Internet is not just a danger to young folks. During this past Sunday's homily, our pastor related that senior citizens are being sucked into mortal sin through online pornography after decades of unchallenged chastity. A seminarian we know told us that his diocese is providing special training because immoral addictive behaviors related to Internet pornography are now the #1 issue brought up in the Confessional. So if you are reading these words now and have an addiction to Internet pornography, we suggest you turn off your computer, rip it out of the wall, and throw it into the trash. Then head to Confession. Become an E5 Man, pronto, which is a first step taken by thousands of men who are embracing responsibility for their own behavior and families:

Email and getting the weather or sports scores are not worth losing your immortal soul. It's a terrible indictment of our culture that criticism of the spiritual dangers of the Internet are virtually ignored by our politicians and business leaders.

It is already obvious to most CatholiCity Citizens that this coming U.S. presidential election will be critical when it comes to abortion. Because of the superpower stature of the U.S., this election will have worldwide effects for decades to come. And old salt we know calls this election a vote for "the very soul of America." Sure, CatholiCity is not a political website, and we won't tell you who to vote for, but we do have a powerful spiritual means to influence the election in a Godly way:



The IWPF starts on October 1st and ends with a special All Day Eucharistic Prayer Vigil at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC on October 9th. The IWPF is co-sponsored by a huge coalition of Catholic and prolife organizations from around the world, including CatholiCity, which has been promoting the IWPF online since its inception several years ago. Once again, we're relying on CatholiCity Citizens to bring the IWPF to your parishes. Some highlights:

+ Our Holy Father, John Paul II, has imparted his official Apostolic Blessing to all who participate in the IWPF

+ Mother Angelica will make a very rare public appearance and speak during the Vigil at the National Shrine on October 9th.

+ Parishes all over the world are encouraged to hold special events.

+ The Eucharistic Vigil in DC will host an incredible line-up of renowned speakers such as Congressman Chris Smith and Dr. Mark Miravalle.

We're asking you to do four things for the IWPF:

Ask your pastor to promote this week of prayer and fasting in your parish with announcements and events. Help him organize special events (Eucharistic Adoration, Penance Services, Rosary Processions, Nine-Day Eucharistic Novenas, Life Chains, Special Masses) at your parish. Call IWPF headquarters to order bulk copies of flyers and posters.

Commit to make a Eucharistic Novena–offer your holy communion for the end of abortion every day from October 1st through October 9th. Fast as much as you can during these nine days.

It's not too late to organize a bus or a carpool from your parish to go to Washington, DC for the October 9th Eucharistic Vigil. The Basilica holds over 5000 people–be one of them. There is no fee or charge.

As in past years, CatholiCity Citizens are the "first trumpet" online. Please forward this message to your family, friends, email groups, weblogs, and Catholic webmasters everywhere.

The IWPF is organized on a shoestring budget every single year. It's a miracle that it even exists. There is no permanent staff or organization–the IWPF is as effective as the response by local Catholics like you who organize events at your parish. Graces will flow, but they will only flow if those of you who are able do something about it at the grassroots level. Go for it!

"A tired boy is a good boy."
Ted Flynn

"The Pacific yew can be cut down and processed to produce a potent chemical, taxol, which offers some promise of curing certain forms of lung, breast, and ovarian cancer in patients who would otherwise quickly die. It seems an easy choice–sacrifice the tree for a human life–until one learns that three trees must be destroyed for each patient treated..."
Al Gore, "Earth In The Balance", 1992, Page 119

Hey Al, hand us a chainsaw. As a final joyful note on this year's Tax Drive, we've passed the $110,000 mark. You guys are the best. More in our next message...

Yours in Christ,

Your Trumpet Guys at CatholiCity