The CatholiCity Message

CatholiCity EXTRA! – November 24, 2000


Dear CatholiCity Citizens and All Christian Friends,

Take heart! CatholiCity is going to Tallahassee to pray for God's will for this election! We humbly implore you join us there spiritually in prayer, united in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! And if you live in the area, or you're within one-day driving distance, meet us in front of the State House–and bring your Rosary beads. We can't wait until you read "One Final Thing" at the end of the message.

Prayer changes things, and that's what we're going to do.

This very minute, we're writing to you from our parents' home in New Jersey, where we're spending Thanksgiving. If everything goes according to schedule the Mary Foundation operations manager should arrive here from our headquarters in Cleveland on Saturday, and shortly after midnight on Sunday morning, join your author for drive non-stop through the night and arrive in Tallahassee an hour or two before the 5:00 pm Sunday "certification" deadline.

We're not bringing political signs. We're not going to shout slogans. We're going as Catholics and citizens of the United States of America to pray peacefully, with great faith, representing all of you who would like to go there in person but can't. If you can't be with us in person, try to be in front of the tabernacle during the critical hours on Sunday, 26 November, Feast of Christ the King. Please pray that we arrive safely and on time.

Not long ago, our operations manager was a U.S. Marine Corps enlisted man who served during the Gulf War. Your author was the Corps during he undergrad days at the University of Notre Dame and served on active duty during the First Lybian Crisis. For this battle, we're arming ourselves with the ultimate spiritual weapon: the Holy Rosary.

In short, CatholiCity is sending in the Marines.

We'll email you with updates from Tallahassee, and if we can we'll post photos on CatholiCity's homepage. We'll also try to let you know the location and times of various Catholic churches in Florida where we'll be praying during the coming week so you can join us if you're in the area.

Back in Cleveland, our staff will continue to post insightful articles and commentaries on the CatholiCity Homepage, too. Our latest posting by Peggy Noonan called, "Now We Must Fight For Our Country ," is must reading for every American, regardless of your political affiliation. Don't forget to email this message to all your friends. Thanks, you're the best.

We've been praying together for weeks now. Our prayers are being heard by God, Who has been training us for this supernatural battle. Let's finish strong. Our next message will come to you from Tallahassee, Florida. Please join tens of thousands of CatholiCity Citizens around the world as we pray "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..."

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

"Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, pray for us.
Saint Katharine Drexel and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.
Saint Thomas More, Patron of Politicians, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of Canada, pray for us.
Immaculate Mary, Patroness of the United States, pray for us.
Jesus Christ, King of Kings, we adore you!"

Thanks for praying. Our crack editor in Cleveland just called in with another amazing Florida fact. The Catholic Church in Tallahassee is named...

The Cathedral of Saint Thomas More

Saint Thomas More was declared the Patron Saint of Politicians by the Vatican just before we started our first Election Novena. Coincidence?

Yours in Christ,

The Marines at CatholiCity