The CatholiCity Message

Volume V, Number 16 – August 29, 2001

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

A CCD teacher asked her children just before they were about to leave class for Mass, "And why is it necessary to be quiet during Mass?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."

We figured we'd start with the joke for a change. Now for our Quote of the Week:

"Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never–in nothing great or small, large or petty–never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."
Winston Churchill

We woke up this morning. Maybe that doesn't sound strange to you, but it was to us. To open our eyes, to see the world, to know that we are still alive, to begin the day thanking God for all He has given us–this is a marvel. We will never grow weary of the amazing world Our Creator has given us, and we hope you feel the same way.

Please join 65,000+ families reading this in a simple prayer of gratitude. "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Dear Jesus, thank You for the world we live in. Thank You for our lives. Help us to be like little children, trusting in You for everything. Amen."

We have a confession to make. Even though we work for the world's largest producer of Catholic CDs and tapes, we actually haven't given away that many copies in our own personal lives over the years. Basically, we're lazy and sorry for setting such a bad example.

We recently decided to make a change, and with the permission of our pastor, were able to announce a "new adult education program" before Sunday Mass, which consisted of having the ushers give a copy of "The Mass Explained" audio to every family. It took three minutes. We explained briefly that it's hard for adults to find the time to attend scheduled classes, so we would now bring the classes to them in the form of audio tapes. Our fellow parishioners appreciated the gift. (Please keep in mind tha most of our fellow parishioners don't know we are involved with the Mary Foundation.) We plan to do it again with another talk, probably "The Conversion of Scott Hahn," in the coming months.

Depending on your pastor's openness and the size of your parish, and with a few volunteers, and maybe even the financial help of your parish, many of you could probably arrange a similar "adult education program" in your church.

All right, 65,000+ people are reading this and this doesn't appeal to all of you, but we know there are a handful of you who want a personal evangelization apostolate that is not time consuming yet is highly effective. Give it a try, especially you men out there. The Mary Foundation has the perfect tools, designed and proven to help inspire Catholics, for delivery to your door immediately:

Let's keep praying and working.

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity