The CatholiCity Message

Volume VI, Number 7 – April 17, 2002

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We don't have a lot for you today, but what we have is important...

We've posted a special CatholiCity Commentary about what the Catholic priesthood is all about in light of the scandals called "Tell Father You See Jesus" and it's posted on the CatholiCity homepage right now, along with some other provocative commentaries. You should also take a gander of Tom White's mind-blowing review of "Democracy: The God That Failed" while you're at it.

2. 70,000+ SOULS UNITED
Let's all of us pray together for our priests during this most difficult time... in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

"Dear Jesus, how can we ever properly thank you for our priests? They have given up everything for us, forsaking the world to nourish our souls with the Eucharist and to heal our wounds through Confession. Send forth your Holy Spirit, right now, in a flood–nay–a supernatural torrent of grace, in swift and sure answer to this plea from 70,000+ CatholiCity Citizens, bringing consolations and courage and purity and joy to our beloved priests. As only You can do, whisper into their hearts that we love them so! As only You can do, enwrap each man wearing a cassock and collar in the loving maternal arms of your Mother, who wept with You and stayed with You during your hours of suffering on the Hill of the Skull during Your crucifixion. We ask this in Your Holy Name, the name above all names: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Amen."


"Not for me the Hound of Heaven, but the never-ceasing silent appeal of the Tabernacle."
J.R.R. Tolkien

"Without the erroneous public perception and judgment of the state as just and necessary and without the public's voluntary cooperation, even the seemingly most powerful government would implode and its powers evaporate."
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"All of it comes down to a fatal decision made by people of influence in the Church during the 60s to assimilate to a set of sexual standards that were completely incompatible with the standards of the Catholic Church and the moral law."
E. Michael Jones

"If there is any truth brought home to us by conscience, it is this, that we are personally responsible for what we do, that we have no means of shifting our responsibility, and that dereliction of duty involves punishment."
Cardinal Newman


"The best vitamin for a Catholic is B1."

Thanks for hanging in there with us. We're hanging in there with you. We love you all, you know, and we pray for you with my family every night.

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity