The CatholiCity Message

Volume XIII, Number 6 – October 30, 2009


Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

American bishops have taken a stand on healthcare reform, and they are calling us to take action to protect human life. In an official USCCB statement, they conclude that EVERY current bill being considered is "seriously deficient on the issues of abortion and conscience" and that they will "vigorously oppose" legislation until changes are made to protect the unborn. For more information directly from the USCCB:

We are at a crucial juncture. Catholic adoption agencies have already been shut down in certain states because of same-sex marriage legislation. There are 624 Catholic hospitals in the United States in danger of being forced to provide abortion services. Virtually every Catholic hospital has the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, yet we are on the precipice of living in a country where politicians expect Holy Communion to be distributed in the same building where the unborn are being cut into pieces and vacuumed out of the wombs of their mothers.

Our bishops are urging you to contact Congress. They want the following emergency insert be distributed in the bulletins of parishes everywhere:

Obey your bishops with enthusiasm, time, and talents. If you go to daily Mass, remember our bishops in your intentions in a special way this week. If you do not go to daily Mass, now is the time for you to start, even if you cannot go every day.


"The only thing wrong with the democratic process is the failure to use it."
Seymour Graubard

"There are many other things which rightly keep me in the bosom of the Catholic Church. The consent of peoples and nations keeps me, her authority keeps me, inaugerated by miracles, nourished in hope, enlarged in love, and established by age. The succession of priests keeps me, from the very chair of the apostle Peter (from whom the Lord after His resurrection gave charge to feed His sheep) down to the present episcopate."
Saint Augustine

"The Catholic Church claims not only to judge infallibly on religious questions, but to animadvert (judge or disapprove) on opinions in secular matters which bear upon religion, on matters of philosophy, of science, of literature, of history, and it demands our submission to her claim."
Cardinal Newman

"As a resident of the Death Regime known as modern times and the comfortable, prayer-free, hi-def television prosperity it provided, I fear the spiritual laziness I allowed it to foster will tip the scales of my judgement against me at my death. When Our Lord shows me the teaming ocean of unborn babies, what will I say to Him--Sorry, I was watching American Idol?"
Joseph White

"The two main reasons why men fall short of justice are deference to magnates (the politically powerful) and deference to the mob."
St. Thomas Aquinas

"Angels are called intellectual because of their immediate and complete insight into all objects within their natural field. Human souls are called rational because their knowledge is acquired by a process of reasoning. Unlike the angels, they do not apprehend at once the full evidence of an object presented to them; they (humans) are convinced by formal argument, not by intuition."
St. Thomas Aquinas

"Angels are the guardians of the divisions of the earth; they are set over nations and regions allotted to them by their Creator."
St. John Damascus

As the above quotations show, there are angels assigned to every country, state, and even every town and city in the world. Because of the perfection of their non-corporeal natures, they know exactly what is happening in our nation right now, exactly what needs to be done to fight the demons who thirst for innocent human blood, and which particular persons to sway in the right direction in decisions large and small (including yourself and your Congressman).

These angels, who have the capacity to influence and dramatically change the course of history, are largely ignored. Even most faithful Catholics are only vaguely aware of them. By God's design, they work in silence. We ask you today, for sake of the unborn who will surely be killed if anti-life healthcare legislation is passed, and for the souls of the adults who will be drawn into complicity with their slaughter, to join us in begging God to unleash these governing super-angels in every diocese and city and Congressional district of our noble country with unprecedented power and leeway. We especially appreciate the prayers of all CatholiCity Citizens who are not Americans.

Prepare your heart for prayer, my friend. Join us and the tens of thousands of CatholiCity Citizens reading this message. For this prayer especially, let us implore all of our  relatives and their angels in heaven to join us--indeed for all deceased Americans and their angels in heaven to join us--and so supercharge the effectiveness of this group prayer beyond our ability to comprehend:

"Dear Father in Heaven,

We have failed you. We have not prayed enough, sacrificed enough, paid enough attention, fasted enough, or worked hard enough to end the scourge of abortion in our country, and now we face being forced to provide, pay for, and support abortions in Your hospitals. Look not on our sins and failings, O Lord, but on the faith You provided us during our baptisms, when we ourselves were most vulnerable. Like the Good Thief, we admit our failures, yet we cannot take our eyes away from Your Son on the Cross, and with the encouragement of our bishops call to action this very week, we beg You to unleash Your Most Powerful Angels and give them the greatest possible leeway and authority to change the course of human history in the United States so that it cannot unfold except in perfect accord to Your Divine Will. Unleash them! Unleash your Angels, O Lord, we beg You! Amen."

Prayer changes the world, and you just took part in that. Good for you. Good for all of us.

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Thank you for being part of our work. CatholiCity Citizens are the best!

With Mary and Jesus,

Your Friends at CatholiCity