Reach the Unreachable with Woman

Volume XXI, Number 8 – September 14, 2017

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

If there were ever a time to simply trust me and I do as I am asking you to do, now is that time.

And I am urging you to order our new book by Marianne Collins, WOMAN, the most powerful tool for converting lost souls and fallen-away Catholics ever. I am not exaggerating.

In fact, one of her first readers was an atheist who made a lifetime Confession and brought his family to Mass for the first time in twelve years the day after reading Marianne's book.

You can order your copies online for a ridiculously tiny donation right now:

Order WOMAN Now

U.S residents can even write to us for free copies:

WOMAN Marianne Collins
PO Box 26101
Fairview Park OH 44126

(Up to ten copies completely free with free shipping. Donations optional. Order as many as you want in larger quantities for only $1 each, with free shipping--20, 50, 100, 2000--help yourselves!)

You can also read it right now on Kindle, Apple, and Google devices.

And don't forget to post this Message on social media and to email all your friends to share this opportunity to help souls who otherwise, of their own free will, will likely never choose heaven.

Be Part of the Miracle

Because of the sheer number of souls at stake, I have never felt more pressure about messing up a CatholiCity Message! I'm trusting that God the Father will speak to you through my insufficient words. Jesus guide them! Mary, whisper in their hearts! Saint Anthony, help us!

All you have to do is read it and you will understand what is at stake. At 100 riveting pages you can start after dinner and finish with time for Netflix.

"I Wept"

Man or woman: you are in for a powerful spiritual experience. Guys, don't be fooled by the cover or Marianne's modern style and chic appearance (purposely designed to draw in secular and non-religious readers). The most common reaction I have heard over and over from men, teenagers to seniors, is: "I wept."

Note well: every man reading my words right now must read Marianne's book–and like virtually every male reader, you will feel compelled to give WOMAN to your daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers.

Confessing Horrible Sins

Please pray when you are deciding how many books to get. Then double the amount! The more you order, the more people will return to the Faith, confess the most horrible sins of their lives, find Our Lady's warm embrace, and thereby impact the lives of everone they know.

Order WOMAN Now

The Power of Conversion

I promise you this: her life draws everyone in from the very first line. Marianne's life is as mystical and brilliant as it is beautiful. The time before her conversion was–well, I don't want to give anything away.

And we've designed every aspect of this book (especially the covers) to appeal to modern, fallen away Catholics, Protestants, and people who reject religion.

Everyone will love Marianne!

Extend Your Chain of Souls to Millions

As the very first Catholics in the world being given an opportunity by Our Lady to distribute this book (she sent you to us, after all) you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The books you give out this month could set off a chain reaction of tens of thousands of souls having their eternal destinies changed forever.

How does it work?

First of all, as you read WOMAN, based on multiple readers' experiences, the Holy Spirit will begin suggesting the names of specific people you know who need to read it along with places where you should distribute books (your parish, local events, etc). I have experienced this personally. I have never come across a story with such an extraordinary (dare I say supernatural) quality.

So, whether you give out 3, 30, or 300 copies over the next few weeks, each reader who traces back to you has the potential to reach another 30 or 300 souls. In ten years your personal "chain of souls" could become thousands or tens of thousands. Then, through God's grace, millions: I assure that children will be born because of WOMAN, and one of those children, who will not come into existence if you do not give out your first book, could be the next Saint Theresa or Saint John Paul II for their generation.

Order WOMAN Now

The Supreme Best Sign of Success

Without going into details, during the final weeks preparing for the release of this book, this apostolate has never experienced as much spiritual warfare with as much intensity or from as many diverse directions as we have for WOMAN. We remained steady, clung to the Sacraments, relied serenely on Saint Michael and Saint Joseph (Terror of Demons) to protect us, but kept moving forward.

I thirst with a desire beyond words for the souls Marianne's book will help. Join me.

So gird yourselves. Fear not, my friends. Be joyful. The trials and barriers and suffering mean that the most hardened sinners, in huge numbers, are about to be delivered from evil. They need you. Amen.

I've been harvesting in the Vineyard of Souls for a long, long time. Marianne's book is your beautiful chance to "reach the unreachable."

With Immaculate Mary,

Bud Macfarlane,

P.S. I can't emphasize enough how much Our Lady needs every person receiving this Message to evangelize with this book (or at least send us a generous gift so that others can do so) and to get the word out on social media. Share share share!

Marianne made this grown man weep tears of pain and joy while shining radiantly through her confessional tale, and in the end, shows us true femininity and greatness.
-Father John O'Brien, SJ

Marianne is so honest yet sweetly gifted at drawing out deeper lessons you simply do not anticipate. I have never read a book which provides so much enlightenment in so few pages. As for the ending, well, I am still shaking.
-Sandra Sienna Williams, Single Mother, Therapist