My Saint Joseph Message

Volume XXV, Number 5 – March 19, 2021

Solemnity of Saint Joseph

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

I have a blessedly brief Message for you today, including a quick update on our annual appeal, Saint Patrick quotes, and my thoughts on making the consecration to Saint Joseph for those of you considering taking this important spiritual step during the Year of Saint Joseph.

Follow me...

Your Treasure in Heaven

Because of your sacrificial almsgiving, I can assure you that our doors will stay open for another year!

Now we're only 200 contributors shy of having enough funds to release a creative new tool for evangelization this summer!

And because I definitely do not want to bother you again until next year, today's brief update marks your final chance to join this year's appeal.

1. Make a one-time online donation in any amount:

Make a Lenten Donation

2. Stock up on our materials for the Lent and Easter surge in your parish and add your annual appeal donation at the end of the process:

Stock Up and Donate

3. Mail in a donation. Make checks payable to "The Mary Foundation":

CatholiCity Annual Appeal
Attention: Bud Macfarlane
PO Box 26101
Fairview Park OH 44120

I truly enjoy reading your wonderful notes and updates when you mail in your gifts! (And please let us know if you want the Icon Crucifix.)

So that's it until next year. On behalf of the tens of millions of souls we will influence in the coming years, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing Our Lady's thirst for souls!

Saint Patrick Quotes

"Every day I expect to be murdered or betrayed or reduced to slavery if the occasion arises, but I fear nothing because of the promises of heaven."

"Never trust a dog to watch your food."

"I am imperfect in many things, nevertheless, I want my brethren and kinsfolk to know my nature so they can perceive my soul's desire."

Consecration to Saint Joseph

I consecrated myself to Saint Joseph at his Shrine in Montreal twenty years ago, and it seemed a perfect complement to my total consecration to Immaculate Mary in 1983 as a University of Notre Dame student. I did not grow up with any particular devotion to Saint Joseph, by the way.

Since my consecration to Joseph, I have been on what I call "Saint Joseph's Rocket Sled." I call him the King of Silence because he silently and powerfully guides my life. I believe I have been welcomed in a mystical way more deeply into the Holy Family as his son, and thus Jesus' brother.

I believe he has saved me from many demonic attacks (which come with my job) and has taught me how to be a better father.

When I end CatholiCity Messages with our group prayer, I usually want everyone to participate. I still do on this day, his Feast Day, yet because it is a life-changing commitment that will impact you into eternity, I advise you to not enter into it lightly.

(We'll be using the traditional prayer from our Saint Joseph Relic Medal prayer card.)

For a Holy Purpose

"Consecration" in Catholic terms means "to set aside for a holy purpose." Thus consecration to Saint Joseph, which is catching on like wildfire in devout circles during this Year of Saint Joseph, is giving him your permission to guide your life for a holy purpose.

While I have no problem with the several popular books which guide souls along extended preparation periods, and encourage you to follow that method if it fits your spirituality, I sense that many of you may be like me.

I do not need to understand it completely and doubt I fully understand it now. I can testify that your life will change for the better.

I trusted Joseph. I beg him every day to make me like he was: humble, chaste, a leader, hardworking, and prudent. So I was all in back in 2001 without really knowing what I was doing beyond giving my life to him.

I wanted to trust him like Mary trusted him. Like God trusted him with Mary and Jesus. I wanted him to be my mystical human father. If that is what you want, then join me and tens of thousands of your fellow CatholiCity Citizens in the following prayer. By all means, read through the prayer before you "pray" it.

Consecration to Saint Joseph

Let us begin in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost...

Saint Joseph,
I consecrate myself completely to you on this day.
Please be my spiritual father forever.
I give you full permission to guide every aspect of my life
and to bring me closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and your beloved wife, Immaculate Mary.

O King of Silence and Terror of Demons,
provide for me and those I love,
protect me from all evil,
guide me always to do the Father's perfect will,
help me to sacrifice and work without complaint,
give me the purity of body and soul,
and be at my side during the hour of my death.
I love you and I trust you!

I ask all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings. Amen.

Thank you again for keeping us online for another year. You guys are the best.

And thank you for praying for my father's heart surgery, it seemed to go well, but I just got word he's returning to the hospital with possible complications. Dear Saint Joseph, intercede for Bud Macfarlane Sr. and all CatholiCity Citizens suffering from physical illness! That's me and my sons, Jude, Clete, Buddy, and Xavier on New Year's Day.

With the King of Silence,

Bud Macfarlane

Make a Lenten Donation

Order Joseph Relic Medal

Read Bud's Last Message