Two Places to Meet Me

Volume XXV, Number 13 – August 5, 2021

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

In less than an hour I'm heading off to Wichita, Kansas, for the Midwest Catholic Family Conference (and if you're attending, find me and say hello!), so I don't have a lot of time.

I want to thank everyone who supported our first Colebrook Society gathering through your prayers and financial aid. We have begun building a nationwide network of friendship for young Catholic adults! It was a great success and I'll keep you posted.

Meet Me in the Eucharist

As you know, I pray for you every day, especially when I receive Holy Communion. Today I am offering a special full Rosary for your family during my long drive to Wichita.

Longtime readers know that over the past several years, I have also hand-carried your intentions, bolstered by the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to the holiest Catholic Shrines on this planet: to Rome, the Holy Land, all over France, at Fatima, at the tombs of dozens of saints, as well to major Catholic Shrines in the United States and Canada, and to the "four corners" of America during our Mantle of Mary project last year.

In virtually ever instance, your intentions will permanently remain where we placed them until Jesus Christ returns. Sometimes I traveled alone, often arduously. Sometimes with a few pilgrims. I embarked on these difficult journeys because many of you never could, or never will, for practical reasons.

Most of you went on these pilgrimages "in Spirit." Many of your intentions have been answered already.

So here is the best place to meet me: in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is present body, blood, soul, and divinity. He goes into your body. He goes into mine. We can always meet in Him there. Another word for "meet"? Communion.

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

I am pretty much the laziest person I know. It is a constant mystery and source of humility (and to be frank, mirth) that Immaculate Mary chose to "work through me" as a novelist, via this apostolate, the aforementioned pilgrimages, and through projects such as the Divine Mercy Movement, the Colebrook Society, and the Mantle of Mary initiatives.

Maybe because my "secret" is to ask people like you to the do the real work and make the real sacrifices in order to reach the millions we have influenced together.

Never underestimate the power of powerlessness.

To honor my slothfulness, I offer you my CatholiCity Message from June of 2020, "Fire or Fire."

Maybe you missed "Fire or Fire". Maybe you read it or skimmed it. It's funny how we forget the things we read. This particular message features insights into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

It is even a little strange:

Read Bud's "Fire or Fire"

So please, click on the button above and at least skim down to the powerful Sacred Heart Prayer, which will be our cyber-prayer for today, with thousands of people all over the world joining you.

Thank you for being a part of our work and a part of my life. Never lose hope. Never give up.

When you fall, fight your way back up to your feet, because Jesus fell three times and got up three times, to show us the way.

Love, in Christ,

Bud Macfarlane

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