Minister of the Sacrament

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Simplified

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Who Has the Power? (1461-1462)

The bishops (as successors of the apostles) and priests (as collaborators of the bishop), by the sacrament of Holy Orders, have the power to forgive all sins, "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Because forgiveness also brings reconciliation with the Church, the bishop (the visible head of the local church) has the ministry of Reconciliation. Priests also exercise this ministry to the extent that they have received a commission.

Forgiving Excommunication (1463)

Excommunication, the most severe Church penalty, can only be forgiven by the Pope, the local bishop, or by priests authorized by him. Any priest, even if deprived of faculties, can absolve from all sins and excommunications when the penitent is in danger of death (Latin Canon 976; Easter Canon 725).

Encouraging Frequent Confession (1464-1466)

Priests must encourage frequent confession and be available for the sacrament whenever reasonably requested. As confessor, the priest has the ministry of the Good Shepherd. While being a just judge, the priest must also be a sign of God's mercy. The priest must know Christian behavior, be sensitive to human failures, be faithful to Church teaching, lead the person to healing, and do penance for the penitent.

Seal of Confession (1467)

Out of respect for the sacrament and the person, the Church binds every priest (under severe penalties) to maintain absolute secrecy concerning sins confessed by his penitents, making no use of this knowledge. This secret (called the seal of confession) admits no exceptions because the sins are "sealed" by the sacrament.

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