What Readers Are Saying

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Knowledge equals growth and change.
Because these booklets contain basic information related to their topics, they refresh my knowledge. Also they contain information in small pieces, so I can take on the challenge of growth and change at my own pace. By reading and rereading them, knowledge of my faith continues to be reinforced.
- Michelle Furtado from Fairhaven, MA

Amazing Absolution Insight
I never knew the difference between absolution and forgiveness before reading "Going Back to Confession." It changed my whole perspective toward Confession. Also, I love how it is non-judgmental and practical.
- Theresa from Vermont

Fun Family Project
These booklets are top notch. Great idea, plus a very common sense way to reach lots of people. Bringing booklets to local parishes with the kids can be a fun family project. My sons and I are putting hundreds of copies in over a dozen nearby churches.
- William from Ohio

Change Lives
Every Catholic in America needs to read this booklet. I really didn't expect something as simple and easy as examining my conscience every night to have such a dramatic impact on improving my actions the following day, but it did. Never underestimate the power of Father McCloskey's "Seven Habits" to help change the lives of people that you know.
- Fran Noble from Allentown, PA

Made Me a Better Husband
"Seven Habits" really changed my life when a friend gave it to me several years ago. I was already doing a few of the habits, but after I read the booklet, I decided to add fifteen minutes of silent prayer every day. It made me a better husband, father, and friend, and I feel closer to Jesus, and much more in tune with His will for me. I'm giving out hundreds of copies everywhere I can.
- Joseph Wood from Chicago, IL