All Articles by Fr. John McCloskey

A Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan
Over one hundred essential Catholic books.

9/11, Belloc, and Islam
The religious conflict between Muslims and Christians.

Abundancia Americana Spanish Book Review

Abuse of Discretion Book Review
The inside story of Roe v. Wade.

Adam and Eve After the Pill Book Review
The ongoing impact of the Pill, which in Eberstadt's opinion has changed, well, everything.

Advice for a Young Catholic Man on Choosing a College and More
As you grow out of adolescence into manhood...

Advice for a Young Catholic Woman on Choosing a College and More
As you grow out of adolescence into womanhood...

After the Natural Law Book Review
How the classical worldview supports our modern moral and political values.

All Things Made New: The Mysteries of the World in Christ Book Review
A serious book about the most serious of things, the mysteries of faith.

American Abundance Book Review
Lawrence Kudlow's first book on economic policy and politics.

American Lessons From Europe's Fall
"We could be the ones who bring Catholicism back to the Europe..."

American Women and the Culture Wars
A reflection on the 25th anniversary of Mulieris Dignitatem.

An Anxious Age Book Review
The post-protestant ethic and the spirit of America.

The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God Book Review
The story of Ruth Pakaluk, Convert, Mother, Pro-life Activist.

The Apostolate of Personal Influence in the Work of Cardinal Newman
Vocation to evangelization traced through Newman's writings.

Ask the Bible Geek Book Review
Fascinating answers to intriguing questions.

The Bad Catholic's Guide to the Catechism Book Review
John Zmirak's book is witty, insightful, doctrinally sound and truly contemporary.

Back to the Future
To build a "civilization of love," we must look to the youth.

The Barbarian Conversion: from Paganism to Christianity Book Review
Richard Fletcher's magisterial work describes this historical period.

Becoming Europe: Economic Decline, Culture, and How America Can Avoid a European Future Book Review
Samuel Gregg writes a sobering, many faceted, but not fatalistic look at our present and possible futures.

Benedicto XVI Visita Estados Unidos Spanish

The Best Is Yet to Come for Catholicism
We are engaged in a most important struggle for our country.

Beyond the Beatification of Cardinal Newman
The mutual momentum towards reunion may be irresistible.

Beyond Radical Secularism Book Review
How France and the Christian West should respond to the Islamic challenge.

A Biography of Sargent Shriver Book Review
The similarities between Sargent Shriver and Thomas More.

Blessed Alvaro del Portillo
Was one of St. Josemaria Escrivá's first followers.

Blessed Josemaria Escriva and Our Lady
His beatification amplifies the need for Marian souls to live holy lives.

Breakfast With the Pope Book Review
Susan Vigilante's fascinating story of the Pope at ease among friends at breakfast.

Buscando Conversiones Spanish
El Catecismo nos recuerda que todos los católicos debemos preocuparnos constantemente por buscar nuevas conversiones a nuestra Fe: El verdadero apostolado busca ocasiones para anunciar a Cristo con su palabra, tanto a los no creyentes… como a los fieles (#905). Cómo lograrlo?

Called to Vote, to Participate in Political Life
This is a culture war and it is ours to win.

Carl Schmitt and the Vision of Beauty
Catholic America has produced an artist of genius and his name is Carl Schmitt.

Carta De Santo Tomas Moro Al Presidente Electo Bush Spanish

The Case for Polarized Politics Book Review
Why America needs social conservatism.

The Catholic Guide to Depression Book Review
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty explains how the saints, the Sacraments and psychiatry can help you break its grip and find happiness again.

A Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan
One hundred essential Catholic books.

The Catholic Traveler: Capital Catholicity
Travellers should visit the Catholic Information Center of Washington, DC.

American Church: the Remarkable Rise, Meteoric Fall and Uncertain Future of Catholicism in America Book Review
Russell Shaw considers whether Catholicism in America is in progress or regress.

Catholicism and Evolution Book Review
A history from Darwin to Pope Francis.

Catholicism on Campus
Tips for those who work closely with college students.

Catholics in America Book Review
Religious identity and cultural assimilation from John Carroll to Flannery O'Connor.

The Chance to Live a Life
Why laws promoting ultrasounds before abortion don't have the expected impact.

Chaplains on Trial: The Future of Catholic Ministry on Campus
The university setting is the last opportunity to form the pre-adult Catholic.

Choosing a College: A Parent's Guide
Choosing a college for one's child is a major concern for Catholic parents.

Christian Persecutions in the Middle East Book Review
A 21st century tragedy.

Christianity Tomorrow
"We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of religion worldwide."

Christians in the Movies Book Review
Dr. Peter Dans does his part to inspire a counter-revolution.

Church History and Evangelization
Every Catholic should have a deep immersion in Church History.

The Church Under Attack Book Review
Five hundred years that split the Church and scattered the flock.

The Cube and the Cathedral Book Review
Christophobia and culture. George Weigel looks at Europe.

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order Book Review
Samuel Huntington's guide to understanding geopolitical realities.

The Closing of the Muslim Mind Book Review
Robert Reilly reveals the key to defeating militant Islam.

Coeducation Revisited for the 21st Century
Abandonment of moral norms is evident in the school systems of America.

Como Encontrar Su Conyuge En Internet Spanish

Como Fue Que Los Irlandeses Salvaron La Civilizacion Spanish

Como Rezar
Ahora que se acerca la Cuaresma, debemos tener en cuenta varias cosas para ahondar nuestra relación con Dios por medio de la oración en silencio.

Cómo Se Creó Occidente Spanish

The Compleat Gentlemen Book Review
Brad Miner examines what makes a gentleman by considering various aspects of this term and its history.

Condoms, Coercion, and Christianity: A Princeton Tale
James Hitchcock recounts events which led to the dismissal of Fr. John.

The Conversion Specialist
Michael Rose writes about Fr. McCloskey in his new book about ten top priests.

Conversion: What's the Key?
Fr. McCloskey explains his secret.

Converts and Kingdoms: How the Church Converted the Pagan West and How We Can Do It Again Foreward
Diane Moczar deals with great conversions to Catholicism through the centuries and down to our own time

El Coraje de Ser Católico Spanish Book Review
George Weigel analiza la crisis de la Iglesia catlica en Estados Unidos.

Countering the West's Growing Death Wish
Be of good cheer: The best is ahead for all of us.

The Coup at Catholic University Book Review
The 1968 revolution in American Catholic education.

The Courage To Be Catholic Book Review
George Weigel critiques the Cathlic Church in the US.

Create in Me a Clean Heart
A pastoral response to pornography from the USCCB.

Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy and Divine Spirituality Book Review
Robert Royal's account of the spiritual guidance in Dante's Divine Comedy.

Dante Alighieri: Divina Comedia Y Espiritualidad Divina Spanish

Defending the Free Market Book Review
Father Robert Sirico could not have written a timelier book than his latest.

Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity Book Review
Father McCloskey calls it "the best book on marriage I have ever read."

Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead? Book Review
Questions and answers about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Difference God Makes Book Review
Francis Cardinal George of the Archdiocese of Chicago has written an astonishingly perceptive book that is the best history of the Catholic Church in the Unites States from a theological point of view.

Divine Science Book Review
Finding reason at the heart of faith.

Doce Pasos para Adictos a la Televisión Spanish
¿Es la televisión un problema en tu hogar?

Don't Just Keep the Faith, Spread It
Father McCloskey shares evangelization tips in this interview with ZENIT.

An Education for Our Time Book Review
Josiah Bunting writes that if education is not healthy, society is in peril.

El Auge Del Cristianismo Book Review - Spanish

El Papa y El Opus Dei Spanish

El Papel De La Historia De La Iglesia En Las Conversiones Al Catolicismo Spanish

En Busca de los Catolicos Alejados Spanish

Entrevista: padre John McCloskey Portuguese
O padre americano, famoso por converter protestantes, diz que o legado conservador de João Paulo II vai perdurar por mais quatro décadas.

Epilogue to The Hand of God
A former abortionist embarks on his new life in Christ.

Epistle to New Masters of the Universe
Silicon Valley will continue to change the world, but in what ways?

Equipped for One-on-One Evangelization
Readings to help others see the beauty of our Holy Church.

Espiritualidad En El Lugar De Trabajo Spanish

A Eucharistic Recollection of Pope John Paul the Great

Europe Revisited - and America Reconsidered
The spiritual illness of Europe may be terminal - but death is not the end.

Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church Book Review
George Weigel' timing could not have been better for the release of his latest book

Evangelization in the United States: Past, Present, and Future
Account of U.S. evangelization from the beginning to its promising future.

Evangelization in the Work Place
Work is a place and means of sharing one's faith.

Evangelizing Catholics Book Review
A mission manual for the New Evangelization.

Exploring the Miraculous Book Review
... with the Miracle Hunter.

La Amistad: Clave Para La Evangelizacion De Los Hombres Spanish

A Faith Brief Book Review
A lawyer's argument for why faith prevails over doubt.

The Faithful Departed Book Review
Phil Lawler analyzes the collapse of Boston's Catholic culture.

La Familia: Semillero de Vocaciones Spanish
Ésos llamados por God deben noventa por ciento de su vocación a sus padres.

Families Get a Special Letter from Pope John Paul II
The Pope does not send junk mail.

The Family: Seedbed of Vocations Featured Article
Those called by God owe much of their vocations to their parents.

The Final Confrontation
How to confront and combat the Anti-Church

Finding God on a Catholic Campus
In short, are they Catholic first and American second or vice-versa?

Finding Your Future Spouse Using the Internet
Fr. John answers questions about seeking a spouse on the Internet.

A Firm Voice, Fostering Faith
Tribute to Fr. McCloskey by Julia Duin.

Forming a Faithful Laity
The importance of Catholic education at all levels.

For All Fathers
We need strong fathers now more than ever.

The 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Dr. Nathanson the Prophet
We need the witness of prophets like Nathanson to inspire us to continue our work for a culture of life.

A Founder's Roman Dream
Account of Blessed Escriva's founding of Opus Dei in Rome.

Friendship and Evangelization
There's nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.

Friendship: The Key to the Evangelization of Men
To build a civilization of love and truth, strong male friendship must be revived.

From Wall Street to the Ivy League
Interview with Fr. McCloskey by Register correspondent Raymond de Souza.

The Future Church: How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church Book Review
John Allen examines the worldwide dimension of the Church.

Getting Ready for Campus Life
Help your kids buck the tide and remain faithful Catholics.

A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver Book Review
Mark Shriver relates that everyone — from presidents to janitors — called his father a "good man."

Go Out Into the Deep: Thomas Aquinas College Commencement 2002 Baccalaureate Homily
Today's graduates are called to join in the Church's apostolic work.

God and Man at Georgetown Prep Book Review
Mark G. Judge reveals how he became a Catholic "despite 20 years of Catholic schooling."

God in Action: How Faith in God Can Address the Challenges of the World Book Review
Francis Cardinal George believes that the authentic age of the laity is here.

A Godly Humanism Book Review
Clarifying the hope that lies within.

The Golden Age Cometh
Increasingly, the Catholic Church is the only option for serious Christians in the United States.

Good Guys Finish First
Ten reasons to smile this Christmas.

Good News, Bad News Book Review
A review of Fr. McCloskey's book by Emily Bissonnette.

Good News, Bad News Book Review
A review of Fr. McCloskey's book by Stephen Vincent.

Good News, Bad News Book Review
A review of Fr. McCloskey's book by Joanna Bogle.

Good News, Bad News Book Review
A review of Fr. McCloskey's book by Ryan Anderson.

Good News, Bad News Book Review
A review of Fr. McCloskey's book by Dr. William May.

The Gospel of Life and the November Elections
Let us follow the example of St. John Paul II as we cast our votes and live our lives.

The Grace from Our Daily Bread
It is imperative for us all to seek holiness in the midst of everyday life.

The Great Reformer Book Review
Francis and the making of a radical pope.

Hablando Al Corazon: La Guia De Un Padre Para Crecer En La Virtud Spanish

The Hand of God Book Review
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortionist, describes his conversion.

Heart Speaking to Heart
Father McCloskey on the influence of the Venerable John Henry Newman.

Heart-to-Heart Preaching
Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman in the pulpit.

Help Wanted: Spiritual Direction
Why every Catholic should have a Spiritual Director.

A Historical View
We should not let passing troubles disturb us.

The Hobbit Party Book Review
The vision of freedom that Tolkien got and the West forgot.

Holiness for Everyone: The Practical Spirituality of St. Josemaría Escrivá Book Review
Eric Sammons' insightful book is written with the zeal of a convert.

Homily for Bowie Kuhn's Funeral Mass

Homosexuality and the American Public Life Book Review
The American Public Philosophy Institute's revealing book on the subject.

Hope for the Gospel of Life in America
Blessed Pope John Paul the Great has told us what to do.

Hope for the Pro-Life Movement
Is the annual March for Life, held on the 22nd of January, worth the trouble?

Hope in Hollywood Book Review
Conversion stories of Hollywood legends.

How the Irish Saved Civilization Book Review
Thomas Cahill recounts evangelization of the West through Irish saints.

How to Get to I Do Foreward
Amy Bonaccorso offers a dating guide for Catholic women.

How to Pray
"Approach Jesus, talk to Him, listen to him, and then do whatever He tells you."

I Burned for Your Peace Book Review
Augustine's Confessions unpacked.

Iglesia Universal, Aldea Global Spanish

In Search of Catholic Leaders
Who can save what is left of the West today?

Introduction to Robert Benson's "Lord of the World"
A novel about the Antichrist, who will tempt Christians to apostasy before Christ's Second Coming.

Is the U.S. an Evil Empire?
It may well be one at this moment.

The Israel Test Book Review
George Gilder explains why if we fail the Israel Test, a new Dark Age may be upon us.

It's Dangerous to Believe Book Review
Religious freedom and its enemies.

John Ford: Poet in the Desert Book Review
Over a long and complicated life, Ford directed over 400 films.

John Paul II - Apostle of Life
The death of the Holy Father John Paul II, and the days which followed, were for the Church and for the entire world an extraordinary time of grace.

John Paul the Great
How Pope John Paul II lived and helped others live the New Evangelization.

Juan Pablo II, Apostol De La Vida Spanish

Justice and Mercy: As Relevant Today as Ever
We are called to mercy... to forgiveness.

The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald Reagan's Top Hand Book Review
Paul Kengor and Patricia Clark Doerner remember Reagan's Chief-of Staff, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of the Interior.

K VECI: Sedmoro Potrieb Pre Cirkev V Roku 2012 Slovak

Keeping the Lord's Day
Everything belongs to God, including our time.

La Cadena de la Madre Angélica Cumple 25 Años
La monja que creó una televisión mundial.

La Iglesia de E.U. Sacudida por los Casos de Pederastia de Sacerdotes Spanish
Padre McCloskey responde a los escndalos del sacerdote en los E.U.

Labor and the Human Person
How does the Lord want us to understand human labor?

Laity, Priests, and Holiness: The Prophetic Vision of John Henry Newman
An examination of Cardinal Newman's life and thought and its effect today.

Laymen: "Resolve" to Discern God's Will for You
Do the will of God, whatever it is, no matter the cost.

Lecturas Recomendadas Para El Año 2005 Spanish

Lent 2015: Reflections and Suggestions
If we want to change the world, we must begin with improving ourselves.

Les Sept Habitudes Quotidiennes Des Gens Saints Et Apoostoliques French

A Letter from St. Thomas More to President-Elect Bush
Advice which Thomas More, Patron of Politicians, might have given to Bush.

Letter to the Editor
In response to the NYT piece, Catholicism's Curse.

Letter to the Editor
In response to the NYT piece, The Wages of Celibacy.

Letters to the Editor
A collection of responses to various columns.

Is Christianity Compatible With Libertarianism?
Private charity allows for the growth of grace.

Life's Journey Book Review
A guide from conception to growing up, growing old and natural death.

Life Under Compulsion Book Review
Ten ways to destroy the humanity of your child.

Light of the World
Do not bet against the unexpected pope from Bavaria.

Livin' La Vida Rica
What the Holy Father has to say to the "Church in America."

Living the Call: An Introduction to the Lay Vocation Book Review
Fr. John examines this guide to lay holiness.

The Magisterium and Catholic Social Teaching
What is it and how is it applied to real world situations?

Making Gay OK Book Review
How rationalizing homosexual behavior is changing everything.

The Manifold Works of Mercy
We are called to love our neighbor, even to the point of martyrdom.

Marriage: Where Do We Go From Here?
Let us go and multiply without fear and with joy!

The Meaning of Vocation
We are all called to discover, personally, what "following Christ" means.

Meltdown Book Review
Thomas Woods considers how our country can recover from the bad economy.

Memoirs of a Happy Failure Book Review
Alice von Hildebrands' life would make for a fine movie.

Mercy, and How to Get It
The world must be reconciled to God through the sacraments.

More Wise Insights from the Pope
Pope Benedict's The Infancy Narratives comes at the perfect time.

Mother Merrill
Opportunities in religious organizations and faith based communities.

My Battle Against Hitler Book Review
Faith, truth and defiance in the shadow of the Third Reich.

My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds With the Help of the Saints Book Review
Dawn Eden explains that this is not simply a Catholic problem, but a societal one.

My Reaction to Pope Francis
An interview by Hugh Hewitt.

Newman as Parish Priest

Newman Belongs to the Great Teachers of the Church

Newman's Challenge Book Review
Fr. Jaki's essays tracing various issues in the writings of Cardinal Newman.

Navigating the Interior Life Foreward
Daniel Burke offers help for the journey towards holiness.

Newman and the Importance of Catholic Literature
Many are not aware of the depth and breadth of Christian literature.

Newman's Controversies
Newman loved to argue the truth.

Newman's University in Today's American Culture
Like "Ex Corde Ecclesiae," universites must teach objective truths.

Newman's University in Today's American Culture (2009)
An updated version of the article above.

Not Peace But a Sword Book Review
Robert Spencer expands on the vast differences between Christianity and Islam.

On the Importance of Friendship
The difficulty of forming and maintaining strong male friendships.

On the Meaning of Sex Book Review
J. Budziszewski examines the sad effects of our era's shallow understanding of sex on the lives.

Opus Dei Bishop To Be Beatified Saturday
Aleteia interviews Father McCloskey.

Orphans No More
Two words are key to fulfilling the Church's mission: evangelization and holiness.

Otra Universidad para Charlotte Simmons
En Estados Unidos crecen las universidades de inspiración religiosa y la presencia cristiana en los otros campus

Il Papa e l'Opus Dei Italian
La chiamata per cercare holiness nel midst di vita di tutti i giorni.

Papa, Say It Isn't So
Father's reaction to the Holy Father's resignation.

Papal Economics Book Review
The Catholic Church on democratic capitalism.

Papal Letter on Cardinal John Henry Newman

A Papal Visit
Thoughts on Pope Benedict's visit to the United States in Spring 2008.

The Passion Begins
In our own affliction, we grasp something of how He suffered for each one of us.

Penance: What Does It Mean in 1999?
The history and reason for the Sacrament of Penance today.

Perfect Successor to John Paul II
Celebrating 5 years with Pope Benedict XVI.

The Perils of Technology
How do we combat an addition to technology?

Un Plan de Lectura Espiritual para Toda la Vida Spanish
¿Ha leído algún buen libro?

Las polémicas de Newman Spanish
En el segundo centenario de su nacimiento.

Política sin Dios, por George Weigel

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War Book Review
H. W. Crocker III describes "why the South was right."

Politics for the Greatest Good Book Review
Clarke D. Forsythe, senior counsel for Americans for Life, has written an essential book for lawmakers and all participants in the ongoing culture wars, most particularly those engaging in public policy issues concerning the origins of life, the end of life, and marriage.

The Pope and Opus Dei
The call to seek holiness in the midst of everyday life.

Pope Francis and the Church's Witness Against War
The Church's view on war is too often dismissed as utopian and simplistic.

Pope Francis on the Family and Human Life
The pope will not and cannot change fundamental church doctrine.

Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II Book Review
The pope has a particular mission of engaging non-Catholics in dialogue.

Pops: A Life of Louis Armstrong Book Review
Terry Teachout stakes a claim for nomination for the Pulitzer Prize in biography.

The Porn Myth Book Review
Exposing the reality behind the fantasy of pornography

Pornography: Our Greatest Ongoing Spiritual Threat
Never despair of God's mercy and forgiveness.

Post-Christian America
In my judgment, mainstream Protestantism is in an irreversible freefall.

Practical Ways to Enter Into Advent
... so we can more fully prepare for the joy and grace received on Christmas.

Preface for Introduction to the Devout Life
Father reviews his favorite spiritual reading book.

Priestly Holiness and Ministry: Priests that Love the Mass
Opus Dei, founded by Bl. Josemaria, fosters priests' devotion to the Mass.

Priests for the Third Millennium
How can we change the "culture of death" into the "civilization of love"?

A Priest's Hopes for the Pope's Visit
The United States in many ways is a mission territory.

A Pro-Life Year of Mercy
God's mercy never fails, if asked for.

¿Qué es la Dirección Espiritual? Spanish
No puede alcanzar la santidad en esta vida sin un director espiritual.

¿A Quién Rezan los Candidatos? Spanish
La religión tiene poco efecto a la hora de la votación.

Quienes Somos? Spanish

Reactions to the John Jay Report
We must do a better job supporting priests.

Reading Indeed Has Made Many Saints
Daily spiritual reading will help us become "fishers of men."

A Reason Open to God: On Universities, Education, and Culture Book Review
All of Pope Benedict's talks on the subjects mentioned in the title.

The Recent Unpleasantness
Let's get to work and remember to pray... Miracles happen!

Recommended Reading for 2005
Spending a year in Britain does give a different perspective on the world.

Recovering Stray Catholics
Calling back stray Catholics to the Father's embrace.

Recuerdo Eucaristico De Juan Pablo El Grande

Redeeming Economics Book Review
John Mueller's magnum opus is comparable to Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.

Renewal Book Review
How the new generation of faithful priests and bishops is revitalizing the Catholic Church.

Revisitemos a Europa Reconsideremos a America

Richard John Neuhaus: A Life in the Public Square Book Review
The definitive biography of this great, holy and very human man.

Right with the Church
Looking at what's right with the Church and not what's wrong.

The Rise of Christianity Book Review
Rodney Stark explores basic assumptions on the growth of Christianity.

The Role of Church History in Conversion to Catholicism
"History, in fact, provides an essential perspective for the mission of conversion..."

A Role Model for Bishops
Let us pray for our bishops – and ask St. Thomas Becket's intersession

The Rosary: A Compendium of the Gospel
Pope John Paul II urged Catholics to pray the rosary daily.

Sacerdotes para el Tercer Milenio Spanish
Podemos cambiar la "cultura de la muerte" a la "civilización de la vida."

The Sacrament of Reconciliation as a Platform for the New Evangelization
Start accepting this great gift from God that is the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor of the Poor Book Review
Meet the Christlike doctor.

St. Joseph in the Month of Mary
An exceptional teacher in the service of Christ's saving mission.

Of St. Thomas More   and Us
Where in the U.S. are today's followers of St. Thomas More?

Samuel Huntington: La identidad estadounidense, en la encrucijada Spanish

Seek First the Kingdom: Challenging the Culture by Living Our Faith Book Review
Cardinal Donald Wuerl reminds us of the importance of going into the voting booth with a well-formed conscience.

The Seven Daily Habits of Holy Apostolic People Featured Article
Ways to achieve holiness and bring others to Christ.

Seven Storey Mountain Book Review
Father reviews the 50th anniversary edition of Thomas Merton's classic.

Should the Parish and Laity Cooperate with Approved Lay Movements?
Movements where the laity may find a spiritual home.

Siete Hábitos Diarios de Personas Apostólicas Santas Spanish
Los principales medios para alcanzar la santidad y llevar a Cristo a otros.

The Significance of China's New Two Child Policy
Let's be clear about this: the Chinese government still operates on totalitarian principles.

Some Catholic Preliminaries to the Presidential Campaign
What should a Catholic expect from candidates?

Speaking to the Heart: A Father's Guide to Growth in Virtue Book Review
Stephen Gabriel challenges fathers to take their role very seriously.

A Spiritual Consultant Featured Article
How can you ever hope to build up your sanctification without a director?

Spiritual Reading for a Lifetime Featured Article
Our commitment to spiritual reading will make us "fishers of men."

Spiritual Reading for Lent and Life
Incorporate the reading of a spiritual book along with the daily reading of Sacred Scripture.

Spirituality in the Workplace Featured Article
The laity is called directly to evangelization in everyday life.

State of the US Catholic Church at the Beginning of 2006
The Catholic Church in the United States is in a state of profound transition.

Station Churches of Rome Book Review
George Weigel chronicles an ancient Roman pilgrimage.

Steve Jobs and the New Evangelization
We evangelizers can learn from him.

Strangers in a Strange Land Book Review
Living the Catholic faith in a post-Christian world.

Streamlined Annulment Process: A Sign of Compassion
Do not be afraid, regardless of what you have heard or read.

Subtracting Christianity Book Review
Essays on American culture and society.

Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? Book Review
If you are searching for the authoritative Baedeker Guide to the End of the West, search no longer.

Surrender: The Life-Changing Power of Doing God's Will Book Review
A look at the latest book from one of our speakers.

Ten Rules for Chaste Dating
For the over-21 crowd.

Tea Party Catholic Book Review
The Catholic case for limited government.

Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child Book Review
More and more clearly we are facing, as C.S Lewis named it, "The Abolition of Man."

That Christ May Be King
Renewing our country so that it is easy for a person to be virtuous.

That Nothing May Be Lost Book Review
Reflections on Catholic doctrine and devotion.

The Time of Our Lives Book Review
The collected writings of Peggy Noonan.

The Timeless Teachings of St. John Paul II Book Review
Summaries of his papal documents.

Timothy McVeigh: Where Is He Now?
The Church puts no limit on the scope of Christ's mercy.

To Go Deeper into the Life of Christ
Recommendations of good biographies of Jesus.

The Top Seven Tasks for Pope Francis
Who am I to offer advice to the new Pope? Nobody, of course.

The Traditional Case for Capital Punishment
Why I support the death penalty.

Transforming Parish Communications Book Review
Growing the Church through New Media.

A Tremor of Bliss Book Review
An insightful history of the rise of contraception.

A Tribute to Dr. Bill May on his 80th Birthday

A Tribute to Robert Novak and Thomas More College

The Triumph of Rita Rizzo Book Review
A review of Raymond Arroyo's Mother Angelica – The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles.

Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000-Year History Book Review/Featured Article
H.W. Crocker makes the history of the Church come alive in this new book.

True Freedom: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Liberty Book Review
Cardinal Dolan's book serves as an invaluable help in our fight for religious liberty.

True or False Possession Book Review
How to distinguish the demonic from the demented.

Twelve Days of Christmas
We should use this time to prepare for a new year.

A Twelve-Step Program for TV Addicts
What to do if the tube is taking up too much of your time.

Why Is Blessed Newman Important Today?
His revolutionary emphasis on the role of the layperson in the Church.

2030: Looking Backwards Featured Article
What the Catholic Church may look like thirty years from now.

2030 Revisited
A second look at one of my most controversial articles.

2030: Una Mirada Retrospectiva Spanish

Una Carta Especial Del Papa Juan Pablo II A Las Familias Spanish

Universal Church, Global Village
The Church alone knows what's wrong with the world, and its message will be the best medium or remedy to solve the many problems of the global village in our new century.

Viviendo la Vida Rica Spanish
Qué el Papa tiene que decir a "La Iglesia en América."

Waiting for Eli Book Review
A father's journey from fear to faith.

What Does Christ the King Mean for Us?
Want to change the world for Christ and help re-evangelize our country?

What Happened at Notre Dame Book Review
Charles E. Rice has written a concise lawyer's brief to convict Notre Dame and its administration of committing treason against its history.

What Is Film Noir? Book Review
William Park offers a reminder of what artful and truly adult entertainment films can provide.

What Jesus Really Said About The End of the World Book Review
David Currie refutes the notion that Jesus falsely predicted when the world would end.

What Do (Catholic) Women Want?
Some suggestions of general political goals to pursue.

What's So Great About Christianity Book Review
Dinesh D'Souza has written a masterpiece of modern apologetical writing.

Who Are We? Book Review
Catholics might disagree with this view on the present and future of America.

Why and How to Make a Retreat
Why every Catholic should make an annual retreat.

Why Chesterton's Everlasting Man Has Lasted Book Review
Father's favorite book by his favorite lay Christian writer.

Why Converts Choose Catholicism Book Review
Father reviews Dave Shiflett's book, Exodus.

Why Does God Only Forgive When We Repent?
While we are asked to forgive regardless?

Why I'm Bullish on the Church as 2012 Begins
What does the Church in the U.S. need right now?

Why Newman Should Become a Saint
His revolutionary emphasis on the role of the layperson in the Church.

Will Many Be Saved? Book Review
Ralph Martin examines what Vatican II actually teaches and its implications for the New Evangelization.

Winning New Converts
Winning converts to our Faith should be a constant concern for all Catholics.

Winning New Converts 2016 Edition
Winning converts to our Faith should be a constant concern for all Catholics.

A Winning Program for Renewal
Want to change the world for Christ and help re-evangelize our country?

Winning the World, One Friend at a Time
Winning converts should be a constant concern for all Catholics.

Witness Book Review
Whittaker Chambers' work is one of the most important books of the last century.

Writing From Left to Right Book Review
Michael Novak's journey from liberal to conservative.

Ein Zwölf-Stufen Programm gegen Fernsehsucht German
Ist das Fernsehen auch bei Ihnen zu Hause ein Problem?

The Warning — Only $1
Five riveting true stories by people who have experienced supernatural Warnings. order »
Pray to Save America — Only $1
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