Commentary by Fr. John Jay Hughes

Who Were the Wise Men?
The magi saw, searched, found, worshipped, and returned home.

"The Night Is Advanced, The Day Is at Hand"
The most important choice we shall ever have.

"Stand Erect and Raise Your Heads"
Come what may, God reigns.

Dual Citizenship
We are citizens also of a higher realm: the kingdom of heaven.

The Scandal of the Church's Particularity
Our belief that God is present in particular ways, places, and times.

The Joy of the Priesthood
The Church has been through the fires of adversity before.

All Is Grace
"I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth…"

For the Greater Glory of God
St. Ignatius Loyola

The Cure of Ars
The patron saint of parish priests.

Woman of Letters
Saint Catherine of Siena

A Saint for the Rest of Us
We want so much, yet we settle for so little.

Francis de Sales
"...not a matter of prohibitions and rules but a beautiful and joyful way of life."

Mother Seton
The first native-born American to be canonized.

All I Ever Wanted
"Not what I want, Lord, but what You want."

The Church is Alive - Catholicism in Paradise
Even today the message spreads along the roads to the very ends of the earth.

Hope - When A Loved One Dies In Sin
God never condemns anyone to hell; it is self-chosen.