Commentary by Kate Wicker

Peace Be with Me
Trouble finding peace during Advent.

Talking Frankly about Ecological Breastfeeding
Why don't more Catholic women know about EBF?

Up in the Air
Children are works in progress. They need molding.

Detachment Parenting - Learning to Let Go
"Losing her so that she may be found."

Mom the Missionary
A mother's mission field is in her children's souls and in the heart of her home.

I Am Woman
I don't have to roar to be heard. My life says it all.

Tough Love
We are entitled to very little except for God's love.

Beautiful Girls
The mantra "age before beauty" no longer makes any sense at all.

Why Young Children Belong at Mass
If we are truly a pro-life people, then how can we not welcome children?

Is NFP Catholic Contraception?
Isn't birth control if you cooperate with the way God made you.

Life -- A Baby's Best Start
Babies do deserve better. They deserve life.

Six Tips for a Healthy and Happy Marriage
No oversized stuffed animals bearing red hearts required.

The Moral Case Against High Taxation
Income should not be distributed; it should be earned.

Why I Nurse at the Mall... and at Mass
I'm a nursing mom and I'm not shy about it.